State Rep. Ellen Troxclair argues her bill would help with the student mental health crisis and make classrooms safer.

BOERNE, Texas — While most school districts in Texas already ask students to keep their cell phones in their pockets or backpacks during class, it’s a losing battle.

And State Representative Ellen Troxclair, R-Boerne, said it’s nearly impossible for teachers to compete with addictive cell phones, and they should no longer be asked to.

“The mental health crisis that our kids are dealing with is really, absolutely shocking,” the Republican told us on Inside Texas Politics. “Both as a mom and as an appropriator of, you know, over $100 billion this session to public schools, we kind of have a responsibility to make sure that those classrooms are set up for success, that those teachers and students are set up for success.”

Her legislation, House Bill 515, would require students to place their cell phones in a secure location, such as a “lockable container,” during regular school hours. A lockable container could be a secure case, pouch or bag.

If a student had to contact their parent or caregiver, the school would make a phone available.

A medical condition could be an exception, with a doctor’s note.

And Rep. Troxclair said if absolutely necessary, students could grab their cell phones during emergencies.

“If somebody needed it, they could cut open the pouch and have access to it,” she said.

If passed, the cellphone ban would be in place for the 2025-2026 school year starting this fall and annual reports would be required to determine the effectiveness of the ban.

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