A nonprofit group that provides affordable housing and health care coverage for families in Central Texas is dealing with a financial setback.

AUSTIN, Texas — As an Austin singer-songwriter working hard to make ends meet, it was challenging for Kelsi Creek to access health care. She did not have health insurance for four years, leaving her unable to get prescription medications at a reasonable price. 

“I think most people in America know that it’s not affordable to have health care,” Creek said. 

It all changed thanks to Foundation Communities, which partners with HAAM – Health Alliance for Austin Musicians. The partnership gives musicians like Creek the opportunity to get health care coverage. 

“I’ve never been healthier in my life. These last couple of years of having access to health care, it has been life-changing,” Creek said. 

But now, federal grants for the program have been slashed by the Trump administration. Foundation Communities Executive Director Walter Moreau said its health insurance program operates on a budget of about $3 million. Now, they will have to pivot after losing more than $2 million in federal funding. 

“These cuts are indiscriminate. They make no sense,” Moreau said. “It’s cruel that it shows no empathy or care.”

While Moreau does not want to stop the program, he fears they will have to shrink it and rely on more fundraising and volunteers. 

For Creek, these cuts mark a painful note in the story she has chosen to write. 

“It’s terrifying for people like me who we already feel forgotten,” Creek said. 

Foundation Communities is reaching out to other health institutions for financial help and will need more volunteers to help their team. If you want to help out, click here

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