The Barnacle attaches to a car’s windshield, making it undrivable until outstanding fines are paid.

SAN MARCOS, Texas — The city of San Marcos is introducing a new immobilizing device to crack down on unpaid parking violations.

The enforcement tool, called the Barnacle, will be used on habitual parking offenders with three or more unpaid citations, the city said. The device will be used by the city marshal’s parking enforcement staff.

The Barnacle attaches to a car’s windshield, making it undrivable until outstanding fines are paid. Unlike traditional boots, the Barnacle allows drivers to make payments and remove the device without assistance from parking enforcement staff.

The city said drivers will be warned first with a bright orange sticker on the driver’s side window. After 10 days, if fines remain unpaid or the court has not been contacted, the vehicle becomes eligible for immobilization. A device may be placed on an eligible vehicle any time it’s parked on a public street or city property, even if it’s parked legally at the time.

“There are currently tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of unpaid parking citations in San Marcos, and each citation represents an impact to parking availability throughout our community,” said Parking Coordinator Samantha Deyo. “We are committed to improving customer service processes and fairly enforcing ordinances. Updating our parking enforcement strategy to include use of the Barnacle enhances efficiency and effectiveness while encouraging access to parking for everyone.”

Once the Barnacle is attached to a vehicle, fines can be paid using a QR code, online or by calling the municipal court. Once the fine is paid, drivers receive a release code to remove the device themselves. The Barnacle then must be returned within 24 hours to a drop box near the front entrance of the San Marcos Police Department to avoid additional fees.

The city will start using the Barnacle devices on Monday, March 10.

Drivers can check for and pay outstanding citations by visiting the San Marcos Citation Portal at this link.

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