When the rock smashed through her windshield, the woman fortunately was not seriously injured but she was sprayed with shattered glass.

SAN ANTONIO — Violeta Medlin says she is blessed to be alive after a rock was thrown off a bridge north of downtown, smashing her car windshield.

The incident happened as Medlin was on her way home from work on February 26 around 9 p.m., on San Pedro Avenue near Hildebrand under the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge.

When the rock smashed her windshield, Medlin was not seriously injured but says she was sprayed with shattered glass.

“I was shaken up real bad. My hands were shaky trying to dial 911. I never thought it was going to happen to me,” said Medlin.

Medlin says she drove to a nearby gas station and called police.

“The officer said ‘Yes, there’s a big rock there but I cannot collect this evidence because I cannot get fingerprints,'” said Medlin.

Medlin says she is traumatized and unable to sleep with the incident replaying in her head.

“I’m scared to drive through there now. I don’t want to drive through there anymore,” she said.

Medlin is also without the financial means to cover the damage, only having liability insurance. The incident caused her to miss work. To help, her daughter started a GoFundMe with of a goal of just $1,000 to help her get back on the road.

“It’s totally damaged. I can’t drive, It is not drivable,” said Medlin.

Medlin says she realizes something like this is not preventable but if it happens to you, she says try and keep your composure.

“I kept on driving. I did not panic. I didn’t slam on the brakes. I did not swerve,” she said.

Medlin is calling on more police presence in the area and she says she considers herself blessed, not lucky.

“People do get killed. People do get seriously hurt. God was on my side,” said Medlin.

If you would like to help Medlin get back on her feet and on the road again, you can find the family’s GoFundMe here.

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