BLUEFIELD, W. Va. -With spring right around the corner, you may be looking forward to outdoor recreation opportunities. Thanks to the ongoing additions and renovations coming to the Bluefield City Park, you may have another option for fun in the sun this summer.
While the new playground had been completed, last year’s hurricane shifted Bluefield Parks and Rec’s focus to cleanups, with repairs still needed before the Ridge Runner train is running on its tracks again. However, they have been making progress on the park’s splash pad, with the Bluefield City Manager Cecil Marson saying they are fifty to sixty percent of the way there.
There is still more in store for the park as well, with an additional concession stand, bathroom, and fencing planned. Other upcoming renovations include a repaved road, new rubberized pavement for the walking trail, and a restoration of the basketball and volleyball courts.
Marson says the focus here is creating a place that the whole family can enjoy.
“Our grandparents, our retirees, our grandkids that come visit, all the moms and dads here, all the kids in our area, they need somewhere to play and somewhere to go, and they’re very deserving of it, and it’s something that the Board, which I deeply appreciate, was looking at, and really we need to get activities for our children, so with all the work we’re trying to do in our Parks and Rec, with the summer camps and everything else, we need a nice… place to play,” says Marson.
Marson says the splash pad is on schedule for completion and, barring more extreme weather conditions, will be ready for play by Memorial Day weekend. The other additions and renovations are expected to be completed by next year’s summer.
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