New Era’s newly-released line of caps featured a Texas Rangers cap that was… no bueno.

ARLINGTON, Texas — Want a good laugh? Look at New Era’s most recent line of MLB caps.

The official cap company of the MLB is back with another questionable series of designs that have baseball fans scratching their heads or busting out laughing. The Texas Rangers‘ edition of the cap was so bad that they had to pull it from the online store!

Here’s the gist. The design features each team’s standard cap logo superimposed over their jersey logos. In the case of the Rangers, the “T” logo was superimposed in the middle of “TEXAS.”  

The “T” covered up the “X,” and the cap spelled out a Spanish term for a woman’s breasts. We’re not going to feature an image of the cap in this article, but if you want to see it, click here.

The cap was pulled from both the MLB and Rangers online stores, which are operated by Fanatics. WFAA has reached out to the Texas Rangers about the whole debacle, but we have not heard back as of the time of publishing.

While Arlington’s team got the worst of it, they’re far from alone. The caps, which are still online retailing for $44.99, leave most fans with one question: “What were they thinking?”

Other teams, like the Houston “ASHOS” or the Los Angeles “ANAELS” are left with much less desirable mascots. Both of those are still for sale, by the way.

Most teams, though, just got a toddler-esque renaming like the “BOBON” Red Sox, the Philadelphia “PHIPIES,” the “DEDOIT” Tigers or the “COLCADO RORIES.” 

New Era has had its share of design flubs in the past. This is the company that found a way to make a cap with some variant of “butt” written out not once, but TWICE now. Let’s just hope they don’t find their way to other areas of the human anatomy.

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