Whilst there is little surprise that Nicola Sturgeon is standing down as a MSP at the next election, it is nonetheless a significant moment on Scotland’s political journey and the landscape of our politics.

We should celebrate her legacy, not least in becoming Scotland’s First female First Minister and a leader who inspired so many not just in Scotland but someone who was recognised as a role model and leader around the world.

Out of the disappointment of not delivering the Yes majority in the 2014 independence referendum, Nicola was the sole nominee to lead the SNP and Scotland in shaping our future.

The connection that Nicola had with the public was the launchpad in many respects for the electoral success that the SNP delivered consistently over her time as party leader and First Minister.

The first electoral challenge was the 2015 UK General election and what a campaign it was. I will never forget the last Saturday of campaigning when Nicola came to Portree. The Square was packed, everyone wanted a few minutes and a selfie with her.

Under Nicola’s stewardship the SNP came close to 50 per cent of the vote and won a remarkable 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland, indeed the SNP were not far off achieving a whitewash.

The voters in Scotland were voting for the SNP but crucially they were voting for Nicola as someone they were putting their trust in.

As the public face, the campaigning is something that we all know about but away from the public focus it was the day job of driving the Scottish Government on.

It ought to be remembered in a time of UK austerity Nicola sought to make a difference for those living in Scotland.

Doubling the child care allowance, the baby box and the Scottish child payment are just three examples of policy initiatives that sought to make a difference for so many people.

That drive to eradicate poverty and improve the life chances of people was woven through every programme for Government she delivered.

Five years ago to this month, Covid hit these islands. Day after day the First Minister came into our living rooms giving guidance to re-assurance to all. As a Westminster MP I was struck by the number of people throughout the UK who were listening to Nicola’s daily briefings.

That record of electoral success bookended the start and the finish of her time as leader. The 2021 Scottish election saw the SNP win 62 of the 73 Scottish seats on a first past the post basis.

A record for any party at Holyrood. We should also note that the election to that Parliament delivered a majority for independence.

That drive for independence is unfinished business. I have no doubts though on two matters. Firstly that post Parliament, Nicola will go onto make a contribution as a leader elsewhere.

Secondly she has a burning desire to see Scotland as a independent country. We can rest assured she will be standing shoulder to shoulder with many of us on that journey.

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