MORGANTOWN, W.Va (WDTV) – In November, the WVU School of Dentistry received $12.6 million from the Department of Health and Human Resources. Senator Shelley Moore Capito visited Morgantown Tuesday to learn more about the renovations and the future of dentistry in the state.
“Oral health impacts your ability to learn if your a student, your ability to get a job. The ability to serve in the military. It’s not just about having a pretty smile. It’s about maximizing your potential in life,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito.
The school of dentistry will now feature the addition of a surgical suite, specialty clinics, and more. Capito believes WVU is tackling the state’s dentist shortage.
“The school here does a great job getting students and residents out into West Virginia and making sure they want to stay, you know rural health is a challenge everywhere,” said Capito.
The senator says West Virginia University is setting the stage for the future of health in the state.
“Morgantown is no longer just the state university. It’s a regional health center with all kinds of specialty care,” said Capito.
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