The cost-of-living crisis, fuelled by energy bills, seems never-ending. Despite promises to the contrary by the UK Government, fuel costs have risen further on its watch, with another increase in the energy price cap coming in April, costing £111 extra per year for the average household.
The most vulnerable in society are getting very little respite as they continue to be pummelled by soaring costs. That’s why the findings of a working group set up by the Scottish Government, calling for a new “social tariff” for the neediest, must be seriously considered in Westminster. This is not some fantastical idea – we used to have social tariffs for the poorest as recently as 2011.
Holyrood ministers set up a taskforce to look at this, including energy suppliers such as Scottish Gas, E.ON and EDF, consumer and fuel poverty groups and disabled people’s charities. They say a scheme offering targeted energy bill discounts to those most in need is deliverable. It includes the near million households in Scotland in fuel poverty.
It could capture those who need energy for life-saving medical equipment at home, like dialysis machines. For too long we’ve allowed sky-high energy bills to become the new norm while doing nowhere near enough to help the most vulnerable. While energy price setting and regulation is reserved to Westminster, it sometimes seemed like the SNP is complaining without offering solutions.
With this expert working group, however, John Swinney’s administration has offered at least part of a solution – and it must be urgently looked at by Keir Starmer’s government. Not only to help the poorest households in Scotland but everywhere across these isles.
Show humanity
The Notre Dame Centre has been praised by families and schools who have sought help in desperate times. Its therapy providers have honed their craft over many decades and are now relied on by more than 100 families.
Surely that experience is worth more in a year than the £500,000 funding cut that threatens their existence. The service they give can turn lives around. It can reach the deepest and darkest places in the consciousness of kids badly damaged by early life trauma.
It seems perverse that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is cutting this service after years of delays and failed performance in getting kids into intensive therapy treatment.
CAMHS services have been dogged by queues persisting for years, by which time some kids become hard to reach. This facility should be maintained or even expanded. It’s a cut that should be reversed.