AUSTIN, Texas — Editor’s note: The video above originally aired as part of a previous story
A proposed bill to dismantle the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will not move forward, according to State Representative Pat Curry, who filed the bill.
Curry, who serves House District 56 in the McLennan County area, released a statement about House Bill 4938, stating it was filed as a mechanism to “shine a light” on the department and bring TPWD Commissioners to the table to discuss proposed regulations on the deer breeding industry in Texas.
After “a series of productive conversations with TPWD staff”, Curry said he does not intend to move the bill any further.
Curry stated he felt filing the bill was “necessary” to get the agency’s attention after discussions on deer breeding regulations had failed. Curry said the regulations, targeted at Chronic Wasting Disease, threaten to “infringe upon private property and small business owner rights”.
Curry also denied allegations that he is a deer breeder himself, and had filed the bill to help his own industry. Curry said he is not a licensed deer breeder and has “never profited off such ventures”, calling the allegations “misinformation”.
In the statement, Curry said he is “fully committed to working productively with TPWD staff and Commissioners to protect and improve” the department by “ensuring transparency, clarity and accountability” on this issue and others.
Curry’s full statement on the bill can be read at this link.