Arcades are a wonderful place to spend an afternoon, but after multiple failed attempts at the claw machine, just to bag yourself an adorable toy, it can start to get you down.

Most of us know the feeling of the claw grabbing onto something, for it to slowly lift it up, and drop it just before it enters the area of the exit hole. After a while it can feel like it would have been a better financial choice just to buy yourself one from the shop – but where’s the fun in that?

Your luck might be about to change, as a clever TikTok account has shared a way to “win multiple toys” at the claw machine – and some say it actually works. Social media user @clawmaster_30, also known as “Toronto’s OG clawmaster” took to the video sharing platform to share his ultimate hack.

In the video, which he captioned “secret to winning multiple toys”, the clever arcade player could be seen at a classic machine called “Claw and Kitty”, and explained: “Don’t keep it on top of the toy. You gotta keep it a little bit over the hole. From here, one direction, okay? ” He could then be seen pulling the lever from left to right, so that it swings.

He continued: “When the claw faces the toy that’s when you drop it. So it goes down and tries to dig them all out. Okay? That’s how you do it.” The claw then drops, and knocks multiple toys into the exit hole.

The video has gone viral with over 1.6 million views, sparking reactions such as “Life skill unlocked,” from one optimistic viewer, while another praised the technique saying: “That’s so smart.” A third admirer commented: “Claw master showing us how it’s done,”.

However, some viewers were sceptical about the method’s universal applicability. One remarked: “In my country you are not able to do that multiple times from left to right. You only have one chance.”

Another shared their unsuccessful attempt, stating: “I’ve tried swinging the claw but the controls won’t allow it they only move in one direction they won’t swing.”

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