Motorists are being cautioned about the hefty fines and potential dangers they face when driving in wet weather as autumn replaces the sunny summer months. Quotezone, an insurance comparison site, is highlighting the risks and errors that could lead to drivers facing thousands of pounds in fines or even causing accidents. Greg Wilson, CEO of Quotezone, has offered advice on navigating the Highway Code during these conditions.

One costly mistake that drivers can make during wet weather is splashing pedestrians, which is a violation under the Road Traffic Act, requiring drivers to operate their vehicles “without due care and attention”. Splashing pedestrians or other road users can result in a £100 fine and three penalty points, but some cases have seen fines soar up to £5,000 for driving without reasonable consideration for others.

Greg advises: “Keep in mind that puddles may be deeper than they initially seem so keep an eye out for standing water on the road edge and be ready to react it’s also sensible to test your brakes regularly when there is surface water.”

The expert emphasised: “Motorists need to be extra careful when travelling in the rain, slowing down to allow more time to react to unknown situations and doubling the following distance from the vehicle in front to four seconds, as the vehicle will take longer to come to a stop on the wet road. If the car aquaplanes, it’s best to avoid hitting the brake and ease off the accelerator gently with the steering wheel held straight and steady until you can feel contact with the road again.”

Moreover, the advice from the comparison site for driving in damp conditions includes giving yourself extra room and comfortably reducing speed “as soon as it’s time to switch on your wiper blades”. Experts are also advising motorists to leave twice the usual gap between vehicles and suggest utilising dipped headlights to enhance visibility during wet weather.

An additional caution has been issued noting that drivers could be slapped with a fine of up to £1,000 and face 3 penalty points if they allow their windows to become foggy in cooler climates resulting in limited visibility of the road. The experts clarified that this can be sidestepped by using air conditioning to keep windows clear from fogging.

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