City of Yes portends more concrete than housing

Bronx: Clearly, we have an affordable housing crisis in NYC. However, it is a false narrative that City of Yes for Housing Opportunity (COYHO) contains any real proposal to solve this crisis, despite the oft-repeated platitudes of city officials (“Building out to fix NYC’s problems,” op-ed, Aug. 13).

COYHO was crafted by the mayor’s Building & Land Use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), comprised largely of leaders and deep-pocketed lobbyists and special interest groups in the real estate and housing industries. These proposals are a gift to them. It is structured to overwhelmingly produce unneeded luxury and market-rate housing far out of reach of rent-burdened New Yorkers. Developers would receive a 20% bonus in height if they voluntarily add a small number of affordable units in R6-R10 districts.

The City Planning Commission website states that COYHO will incentivize developers to produce between 58,000 and 109,000 new homes over 15 years. Of that, only 20,000 units are projected to be affordable. Meanwhile, city agencies under current zoning have financed the creation or, most importantly, preservation of nearly 29,000 income-restricted units in fiscal year 2024 alone. This number is nothing short of miraculous, given the measly affordable housing projection of COYHO.

Once COYHO obliterates current zoning and land use protections, luxury apartment buildings and single-room occupancy (SROs) models will glut the market where currently prohibited. This will particularly impact low-density residential neighborhoods in the outer boroughs. Homes will be demolished to make way for apartment buildings. Zoning changes will also unleash development on campuses, including colleges, NYCHA and other city and state developments. Who wants to live in a City of Cement? Laura Spalter

Rooms for rent

Manhattan: Thanks so much for your terrific editorial “An old way of living is now new” (Sept. 2) about single-room occupancy housing. It would have a dramatic effect in reducing homelessness, especially for senior citizens on limited incomes. Many of them get their meals at nearby senior centers. Most don’t need major support services, just a safe place to live. When I first moved to New York in 1971, I lived for a while at the Chelsea Hotel until I could find an apartment. Among the residents were science fiction author Arthur Clarke and Dylan Thomas’ bodyguard. SROs are vital in meeting the housing needs of single people with limited incomes, especially in a housing market as expensive as NYC. Katharine B. Wolpe

On borrowed dime

Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.: To Voicer Jeff H. Woods: Many of those who are crowding the lines in airports are flying on credit card debt — “go today and worry when the statement arrives.” Debt is at an all-time high, and many are defaulting. You and I end up paying for all these trips. Robert Stiloski

Smart hold

Brooklyn: I recommend getting a smartphone grip. It can substantially increase your productivity and makes reading on your smartphone a lot easier. It is also a great gift for family and friends. You can buy one online for $10. Shlomo Klein

No way but his way

Woods Cross, Utah: After seeing the huge protests resulting from the deaths of six Israeli hostages, Benjamin Netanyahu fired back, “No one will preach to me.” Here is the mind of a dictator revealed. A true prime minister would say, “I’m here to serve the will of the people, as our laws require, so I will pay close attention to your concerns and modify my policies.” A despot pays no attention to the will of the people. He has no room for learning, no desire for compromise, no need to serve. As a practical matter, Netanyahu must impose his will no matter what because that is the only way he can stay in office. If a ceasefire were to come, he would lose all the devilish propaganda power he has and all the murderous religious hatred he has whipped up in Israel’s Jewish citizens against civilians in Gaza. Kimball Shinkoskey

Evil actors

Manhattan: This writer taught communications in college. I am appalled at the repulsive propaganda masquerading as legitimate reporting from such sources as the BBC and PBS over the situation in Gaza. The suffering of innocents is immense, but the responsibility is misplaced by Joseph Goebbels’ apprentices. The Jews are made out to be the bad guys — not Yahya Sinwar, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis or Iran. When Sinwar is dead and the murder organization’s guns fall silent, Israel will not fire another shot. Until then, the horror images implying genocide by Israel are despicable, and such media are journalistic whores. Daniel Jean Lipsman

Disputed descriptor

Bronx: Re “Israeli cops slain in W. Bank” (Sept. 2): The correct designation for the West Bank (once designated as Judea and Samaria) should be “disputed,” not “occupied.” When Judea and Samaria were under the control of the kingdom of Jordan, only Britain and Pakistan recognized Jordan’s rule of that area. Before Jordan seized it in 1948, it was administered by Great Britain, and before that, since 1517, it was part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Israelis took no territory from any recognized country. Many countries have ruled this area, but never any entity labeled “Palestine,” a name given by the Romans, who wanted to erase the fact that it was the land of Israel, ruled by Judeans, from which the name “Jew” comes. If the Arab Palestinians want to establish their rule in the West Bank, let them peacefully negotiate with Israel. Bombs and stabbings will not decide anything. Arye Barkai

Forgotten conflict

Brooklyn: Famine was officially declared last month in Sudan’s western Darfur region. Humanitarian aid officials are warning that if a ceasefire is not reached in Sudan’s catastrophic civil war, the famine could spread to the rest of the country. Millions of lives are threatened, but there have been no protests about this horrible situation. Lawrence Freedland

Every time

Kew Gardens Hill: Death, taxes and people getting shot at the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn. Barry Koppel

Cemetery rules

Brick, N.J.: Re “Gold Star families defend Don” (Sept. 2): I am not questioning that. They have a right to support who they want. And whether or not Kamala Harris did or said anything wrong or right, that’s another issue. But if I am understanding it right, the cemetery has a prohibition on partisan activity on the grounds. Period. I guess you could argue about what happened between the cemetery employee and Trump campaign officials, but it doesn’t matter. The rule is the rule and everyone should follow it. Yes, the families invited Trump. Fine, but they don’t have the right to break the rule. Campaign officials say they had permission to bring someone to take video. I would like to know who. Trump? If he supports our veterans as he says he does, he should have followed the rule. But we know Trump does what’s best for Trump. Warren J. Damis

Legal roadblock

Utica, N.Y.: To Voicer Dom Mastropolo, who wrote that President Biden and Kamala Harris let in 10-12 million illegal immigrants: How many times do you have to be told that no one allows illegal immigrants into this country? They have been coming since the days of George Washington. I’ve worked as an immigration officer for 24 years. Illegal immigrants continue to enter regardless of who the president is. Congress has the ability to do something, and they recently worked out something to deal with the problem, but guess what? Trump told his Republican cronies to shoot it down, which they did. So, if you really want to blame someone, blame him. Otherwise, you wake up! Francisco Matos

Commander in chief

Bronx: To Voicer Wanda Lucci: The National Guard can only be activated by the president or governor. The speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, did not have control over any of the armed services. She also does not have the power to block an order from the commander in chief. If Trump ordered it, there would have been additional presence of the National Guard, as then-President Trump stated he requested. Obviously, there was no order. Just another lie. Lydia Milnar

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