An Edinburgh dog owner is looking for answers after his dog was thrown over the Portobello promenade wall in a distressing moment caught on CCTV.

The horrific incident occurred around 2.30pm on September 3, and was described by the dog’s owner Alfie as “heartbreaking”.

The CCTV footage shows Bucky, Alfie’s three-year-old blue Staffordshire bull terrier, on the promenade with his dog walker, who is sitting at a bench.

The man was seen on CCTV hurling Bucky over a wall
The man was seen on CCTV hurling Bucky over a wall

When another dog is walked past on a lead, the inquisitive Bucky approaches his fellow canine but things quickly take a turn when the dogs begin to growl at each other.

As things escalate, the other dog’s owner suddenly grabs Bucky, shoves the dog walker out of the way, then launches the 2.5stone Bucky across the promenade.

The disturbing footage shows the Staffie landing on a table and concrete wall before toppling several feet onto the sand below.

Bucky, a three-year-old blue Staffordshire bull terrier
Bucky, a three-year-old blue Staffordshire bull terrier

At the time of the incident, Alfie was on holiday in Malta, but has since tracked down CCTV footage of the incident from the St Andrews Takeaway in Portobello.

Residents have now expressed their horror on social media, and Aflie is appealing to the suspect to hand themselves in, reports Edinburgh Live.

He said: “It was horrible to watch. When I heard about it from my dog walker, I imagined the worst – and the footage was even worse than that.

“It’s shocking that someone would do that and it’s shocking that it happened so close to home. It’s scary to think that this guy is walking around Edinburgh.”

Alfie said his dog walker – who preferred to remain anonymous – was “very shaken up” and “struggling to process” the event.

Alfie stressed that Bucky is “not aggressive”, but occasionally growls at other dogs, adding that “all dogs growl sometimes”.

He continued: “The man could have diffused the situation much better. I’ve lived with dogs my whole life and been in so many situations that were way scarier than that, and I never would have thought to react violently.

“I spent my four-hour plane journey home with no music, no book – I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

Alfie has appealed for help to find the individual and community members voiced their terror in the comments.

One poster commented: “Hopefully we will find this d***head and let the authorities deal with this scum of the earth. Big man bullying a woman and a dog. Honestly he must be nothing but a sad insecure wee man.”

Another added: “I hope he’s found, wicked bastard! Hoping your dog is ok too.” A third expressed: “I am so sorry to hear about this! That’s outrageous behaviour and I’m glad the dog is okay. I hope the police find him.”

The dog walker commented: “I was absolutely appalled and very upset and did give the man an earful before he scuttled off but I think I was mostly in shock, and was more concerned with just making sure the dog was ok!”

Alfie said that he is keen for the man to come forward and have “an opportunity to make it right, because it was completely out of line.”

He shared on social media: “I’m going to give this guy a chance to put this right himself, however he sees fit, and if I’m unable to find him, or he’s unwilling to do that, then the police will be my next resort.”

Alfie reported that Bucky appeared to be unharmed following the incident but he is waiting for a vet appointment to make sure.

Alfie said: “He’s a robust little guy. It’s fortunate he landed on his side. If he landed on his head, it might have been another story.”

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