Taking care of one particular area of your body might just be the golden ticket to blemish-free skin, according to a health expert.

TikTok’s Dr Karan Raj has become an online sensation for his straightforward health tips. And his latest insights have again caused quite a stir on the internet.

In a recent video, which is capturing people’s attention, he delivers surprising news about a body part that plays a crucial role in achieving a radiant complexion.

Aspiring for flawless skin? You might want to start by focusing on your gut health. Dr Raj explains: “Your gut health has a major impact on your skin, and I’m not even talking about diet.

Your gut talks to the skin through the microbiome and the immune system. For example, if you have an allergic response to the food you eat the first signs might be on the skin. A rash or swollen lips.

“In many gut conditions, the manifestation of that gut problem is on the skin. Dermatitis herpetiformis in celiac disease. Skin ulcers in chron’s disease. Even rosacea with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, sibo.

“And, interestingly, if sibo is treated with antibiotics that affects the gut bacteria only, the skin rosaeca seems to clear too.”

Furthermore, Dr Raj highlights the association between young eczema sufferers and their gut health, claiming that young people who have eczema, on average, have lower levels of gut microbiome diversity and good gut bacteria.

He claims this is indicative of a significant connection between gut health and skin condition. As well as this, he suggested that even the state of your brain can affect your skin.

This is because factors such as emotional stress can lead to breakouts and exacerbate skin conditions – just like diet, sleep patterns and activity levels can.

Overall, the health expert advised that perhaps it’s time to worry less about intensive skin routines, and more about how changes in lifestyle could positively alter your skin’s appearance.

Since being posted, the video has racked up thousands of views, with many viewers quick to share their thoughts. They acknowledged that his advice was very insightful.

One viewer commented: “Fascinating information on the connection between our gut health and the skin.” Another responded: “This is so important as an IBS medical student – thank you.” Meanwhile, a third theorised: “So your body is literally sending you a red flag.”

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