A drunken mum was caught on CCTV pummelling her defenceless boyfriend in an alcohol-fuelled rage outside a Lidl store as he lay motionless and bloodied on the ground.

Amy Gibney, 38, had been out drinking with partner Lee Roach on June 25 2024 when a row broke out between them in Liverpool.

At around 9.30pm, the mum was seen by passers-by attacking Mr Roach outside the Lidl supermarket on the city’s Lime Street. She was arrested a short time later in a nearby pub, where she was “obstructive, aggressive and obnoxious”.

The Liverpool Echo reports, that she today pled guilty to assault causing grievous bodily harm, whilst appearing in the dock at Liverpool Crown Court.

Prosecutor Ian Hopkins said: “The victim was spoken to by the police.

She punched and kicked her partner in the face
She punched and kicked her partner in the face (Image: Liverpool Echo)

“He confirmed the defendant was his partner and the account he gave was that they started to argue in the street when she had attacked him, kicking him to the ground, where she then punched and kicked him to the face.

“There was plainly a nasty gash wound to his forehead. The incident was witnessed by two members of the public. One was able to take a short piece of footage on his phone, which captured the end of the incident.

“He described he could hear arguing in the street; he turned and saw Mr Roach lying on the ground and the defendant was continuously stamping on his head. Another witness was nearby and what he described was seeing the defendant punch, kick, slap and stamp on Mr Roach, who was on the floor and not fighting back.”

Horror video footage of part of the attack was played to the court and showed Gibney raining blows down on a dazed looking Mr Roach before storming off in the direction of the Bombed-Out Church.

The mum had been drinking at the time of the incident
The mum had been drinking at the time of the incident (Image: Liverpool Echo)

The court heard Gibney had 13 past convictions for 22 offences, including a number of domestic assaults. She been serving a community order at the time of the attack on Mr Roach, having pleaded guilty to battering another boyfriend, John Cotgreave, earlier this year.

Olivia Belle, defending, said Gibney had little memory of the incident, but was “remorseful and ashamed” of her actions. She said: This is a woman who, for 35 years, maintained a good character until she fell foul to drinking excessively and taking drugs.

“She also had a gambling addiction and ended up homeless. She found herself spiralling and losing everything. One of the biggest impacts on her criminality was losing [custody of] her daughter. This has had a huge impact and left a huge hole in her heart.

Amy Gibney has been jailed for 20 months
Amy Gibney has been jailed for 20 months (Image: Liverpool Echo)

“She has never considered herself a violent or angry individual prior to her antecedence. There’s a pattern of offending here fuelled by alcohol and when she had stayed out of trouble, that was when she had not had a drink for seven months.”

She said Gibney had “completely changed her attitude” after being remanded in custody, was attending weekly AA meetings, and hoped to attend college upon her release. Sentencing Gibney to 20 months in prison, Judge Louise Brandon said: “You have an appalling antecedence record.

“They have all been accrued in the last four years and including many incidents of assault, drunken behaviour and threatening behaviour. At the time of this offence, you were subject to a community order for battery. You have a history of committing offences in a domestic context. You were under the influence of drink. you were obstructive and aggressive to the officer who tried to arrest you.

“You have a history of breaching court orders. You’re assessed as a high risk of reoffending. You also pose a risk to yourself. You’re presently unmanageable in the community and there’s no realistic prospect of rehabilitation at this stage in your case.”

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