Green groups have accused John Swinney of delivering a “hammer blow” to net zero efforts with a series of “climate cutbacks” after his first Programme for Government.

WWF Scotland said a move to “wipe out” funding from the ScotWind renewables pot which was meant for green policies was a recipe for climate failure.

And Friends of the Earth Scotland blasted there was “next to nothing” in the First Minister’s “desperately weak” statement to MSPs on Wednesday that shows he is serious about tackling emissions.

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said, with the promise of a Heat in Buildings Bill on phasing out gas boilers, there was “some cautious room for optimism, but far too little”.

The SNP prospectus for the year ahead came as Holyrood ministers yesterday published a new Climate Change Bill to replace a previously abandoned emissions target.

The new legislation scraps annual greenhouse gas targets, replacing them with a five-yearly “carbon budget” – and, crucially, ditches a key 2030 target to slash emissions by 75 per cent which was deemed impossible.

It comes after Finance Secretary Shona Robison controversially plundered nearly £500million from the one-off ScotWind fund earned from leasing areas of the Scottish seabed to offshore wind energy projects.

Climate change is ramping up across the globe. (Image: No credit)

That cash was meant to be invested in climate and nature projects across Scotland.

The government had already swiped £5million from its flagship Nature Restoration Fund to cover council pay deals amid a funding squeeze.

Lang Banks, director of WWF Scotland, said: “It’s a hammer blow to learn that funding needed to support action on climate and nature is to be cut and that half a billion pounds, raised from ScotWind, that was to have been invested in tackling the climate and nature crisis is to be wiped out.

“We understand the pressures on public finances right now, but even the very best climate or nature policies and laws will fail if there is inadequate funding to implement them.”

On the Climate Change Bill, he added: “Years of inaction have led to the Scottish Government having to make these changes to its climate targets.”

Lang Banks
Lang Banks of WWF Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland said Holyrood ministers were “moving the climate goalposts but they are still going to miss the target”.

Caroline Rance of the eco group blasted: “Since the abject climate failure which ultimately cost the previous First Minister his job, John Swinney has gone further into reverse, rolling back on oil and gas, hiking the cost of trains and slashing funding for environmental schemes.

“Action to tackle climate change is popular, necessary and would improve people’s lives… The Scottish Government is choosing to make climate cutbacks instead of these positive investments which it could fund through raising taxes on the highest earners and polluting activities.”

Mike Robinson, chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, said: “Yesterday’s Programme for Government needed to go much further to rebuild severely damaged trust and show that Scotland is still committed to addressing the most serious issue we face.”

Oxfam Scotland’s Lewis Ryder-Jones added: “Instead of being entirely focused on fairly cutting emissions, the Scottish Government is cutting green budgets and moving the climate goalposts because of its own inadequate climate action.

“These depressing distractions cannot result in yet more delays to the real, urgent task at hand: fairly raising the funds necessary from big polluters and the better off to enable significant investment in the solutions that will protect people and planet.”

Acting Net Zero Secretary Gillian Martin said: “Our commitment to ending Scotland’s contribution to global emissions by 2045 at the latest, as agreed by Parliament on a cross-party basis, is unwavering.”

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