Laura isn't used to dating younger men but one man changed everything
Laura isn’t used to dating younger men but one man changed everything (Picture: Getty/

How I Do Itsex life

This week we hear from Laura*, a 24-year-old bi-curious woman who has recently moved to London.

Laura’s last relationship ended a year ago and until she met her new beau, she had a series of flings and one night stands.

Now, she’s been in a new relationship for three months, and things are going very well indeed.

‘I’ve never had a relationship like the one I’m in now. Before this I had a loving relationship, but the heat was lacking, sexually,’ Laura explains.

‘After that I had a passionate fling – the sex was incredible, but I wasn’t able to connect with the person on a more emotional level. I didn’t know you could have both with the same person until I met Eric*.’

The pair have ‘mind-blowing’ sex about four times a week. Laura adds: ‘From the moment we met I was instantly attracted to him. On our first date, there were fireworks. I felt giddy when he looked at me, and hungry when he touched me.

‘I’ve never felt happier with my body, and more respected by a partner. I’ve also never felt more confident, able to push the boundaries, and find out what I’m really into,’ she says.

‘My sex life is surprising, animalistic, and loving, as well as mutually satisfying. As a woman who has had plenty of mediocre sex in my life, all I can say is: long may it stay that way!’

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So, without further ado, here’s how Laura got on this week…



Eric has been on a lads boating holiday in Greece for the best part of two weeks, and I’ve never missed someone more. Both emotionally and sexually – I ache for him. 

I’m at home for the week, between interviews for a new job, having just finished my masters, and the never-ending free-time only makes missing him worse. 

So, I keep myself distracted. I go for a run, I read the newspaper, I watch some of the Paralympics on TV. One of the sports commentators has the same accent as Eric. A smooth Scottish timbre.

I think about his voice. How he’d whisper something dirty in my ear if we were out together, late at night, both desperate to get each other home. I throb. But, it’s 3pm. I throw it from my mind. 

To pass the time, I sunbathe in my new bikini. I can’t resist sending him a photo on Whatsapp and 10 minutes later my phone buzzes. He heart reacts the photo before sending a one word reply: ‘Ravenous.’

Sometimes I feel pressure to look a certain way, but it’s obvious he doesn’t care. We’ve had sex with terrible morning breath and with my hair like a birds nest.

After the longest day, I get into bed, close my eyes and think about him.

Before sleep I type out a message. I want him to know how excited I am to see him. I hit send before drifting into dreamland.

I must have willed the new day a little too fervently as I wake up at 3am. I open my phone, go to Whatsapp, and see a double blue tick blaring ominously from the screen.

Eric’s seen and opened the message I sent before bed, but there’s no reply. 

Immediately, the anxious part of my mind goes into overdrive. For two hours I try to rationalise it, but my long standing fear of being abandoned – something I’ve struggled with since my parents divorced when I was a teen – has reared its ugly head.

I do something I shouldn’t. I send him a message suggesting we call off tonight. Then I put on my running shoes and run until I can’t think anymore.

Exhausted, at 7am I’ve finally cried myself out and go back to sleep. 

When I awake, it’s because my phone is going berserk. It’s Eric. 

Half angry, half desperate, I hear his voice break as he reassures me that he’d never ignore me. That he lost connection as he tried to reply last night. That the thought of seeing me tonight is all he’s been thinking about. 

I can tell he’s telling the truth. So, I go and meet him at the station.

I do feel nervous waiting for him to get off the train, but the second I see him, everything else melts away.

We kiss and we hold each other, and my anxious heart is safe.

I wake up to Eric’s alarm. It’s painfully early – or earlier than I’m used to at least. He has to leave for work so, as he showers, I make him breakfast and pop a coffee pod in the machine. 

As I wait for the coffee to pour I have vivid flashbacks to the night before. After we’d discussed everything that had happened on the train home, we picked up a takeaway for dinner and headed to mine.

Exhausted, me from the emotional turmoil of it all, him from a long international flight, I’d half expected us to just get an early night.

But boy, was I wrong. Before dinner, I got a picnic blanket and laid it out on the bed so that we could eat our dinner. My boyfriend was hungry for something else though.

He threw me down on the picnic blanket, telling me all the things he’d been desperate to do to me while he was away.

Then he bent me over the bed, as I was breathless and begging for his touch. I had to press myself into a pillow to stifle my screams of pleasure.

The sex was have is perfect now, but it hasn’t always been that way – the first time we did it, Eric struggled to maintain an erection.

We had been drinking, and he said he felt intimidated by how attracted he was to me – the stakes were high and it was too much pressure. He’d been thinking about it so much, that he’d got in his head.

Afterwards, we chatted about it, which I think put him at ease. From then on, we didn’t have any issues. I’ve never had better more loving sex with someone. 


Eric’s promised to cook something for me later. Little does he know, I have something in store for him myself. 

The get-up I’ve ordered is X-rated. Stockings, holdups, high-heels – the works. It’s far sexier than anything I’ve ever worn before.

Normally I tell him when I plan something like this because I like the idea of him getting turned on while he’s in the office, but not this time. 

I leave the key outside the door behind the plant pots for him and tell him I’m waiting upstairs. When he arrives he takes one look at me and the groceries he’s bought for dinner fall to the floor.

First, I handcuff him before teasing him within an inch of his life. When I eventually reach the object of my attention, I look up to meet his gaze. The look in his eyes is not just hungry, but starving. He says one word. ‘Please’.

We have the best sex of my life. It’s the hottest day of the year, and we are dripping in sweat. I lick the sweat from his neck as our bodies writhe in pleasure, climaxing in synchronised euphoria.

I love sex with him, especially just looking at his body. When he takes his shirt off I can’t tear my eyes away. I’ve never slept with a man with chest hair before, but it suites him so well. Everything about his body turns me on… except for his hairy feet!

Afterwards, we melt into each others arms.

Eric wakes me with a gentle kiss as he leaves for work and I lay cocooned in the bedsheets, revelling in the thoughts of last night as I drift between sleep and waking.

When I get up, it’s to a flurry of angry messages from my housemate. They’re all from the previous evening, complaining about the noise.

I don’t know whether she means vocal or rhythmical thumping, but I don’t ask for clarity. I deep clean the kitchen out of intense guilt and thank God that we’re going away for the weekend.

My parents are at a festival so Eric and I have decided to make good use of my empty family home in the countryside.

I spend the day reading, to pass the time. Then pick out my outfit carefully. A flowy blouse and a short skirt. I deliberately chose a pair of heeled sandals that I know Eric finds sexy.

In the evening we get the train together. Although we’ve only seen each other the night before, I can still feel the sexual tension bubbling between us. By the time we get there it’s reached boiling point.

We can’t wait any longer. He takes me in my parents kitchen, splayed out on one of the chairs, pictures of family holidays gone by watching on in abject horror, I’m sure.

We do things to each other that you definitely shouldn’t do in the communal kitchen of your childhood home. It’s so hot.

We wake up together and, while Eric is still dozing, I walk to the shop to grab us a newspaper and some breakfast. Smoked salmon and scrambled egg on fresh baguette. One of his favourites.

It’s rare that he lies in because he usually works from nine to six, sometimes longer. It makes me happy to see him so relaxed. 

When I get back we have coffee together in bed. Because we are both young people renting in London we’ve never been alone in a house together like this before.

He tells me he’s the happiest he’s been, and we start to daydream about living together one day. Talking leads to cuddling which leads to kissing, and before I know it I’m taking off the bed sheets to wash them because they’re ruined. 

In the afternoon we go on a walk with my friends, and I really start to see how Eric fits into my life. That evening, at the same friend’s birthday party, I watch how easily he speaks to everyone. How he asks questions and makes them feel listened to.

We leave the party early, preferring each other’s company to that of a large crowd.

Right now, my relationship is my priority. I’ve never met someone like this before and I feel like I’m in this for the long haul. Friendships and other parts of life are important too, and I’m making more of an effort to maintain these, but when I’m with him, everything else seems to matter much much less. 


We wake up together and I’m stressed. We’ve stayed in bed too late and I’m unprepared for a job interview I have in a few days.

Everything Eric says and does to try and pacify me only makes it worse. I snap at him, then apologise, feeling guilty for ruining his weekend away, which is supposed to be a relaxing break from work for him.

The stress of being unemployed is getting to me and, occasionally, I feel jealous of his routine. A jealousy that isn’t fair, but that I feel nonetheless. 

Through it all though, he is patient with me. Once I calm down I’m able to listen to what he’s actually been saying. The interview is not as soon as I’d thought in my panic and, as he reminds me, I’m actually already prepared.

It’s the afternoon and the sun was hot, and we laid towels out together in the garden. 

One of Eric’s fantasies is to have sex with me outside. And, as the sun got hotter, I can tell he’s getting aroused. I’ve stripped down to my underwear already to tan but, deciding to risk it, and hoping desperately that the neighbours weren’t looking, I take off the rest of my clothes. 

In the open air, surrounded by daisies, he takes my body to new heights – pleasuring me again and again until I don’t care how loud I’m being or that anyone walking by can hear us. 

I’m grateful that our kinks line up. Eric likes to be dominant which I’m into, but I’m also into being dominant which I think is quite new to him. I love any thing with a mild element of risk. I like seeing how far someone will go when they really want me.

We watch a film together in the evening before I walk him to his train back to London. As we kissed goodbye, and I watch him go, I know that he isn’t only the greatest shag of my life, but quite possibly the love of it too.

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