A former Ministry of Defence (MoD) police officer has been sentenced to community service after being in possession of indecent images of children.

Stewart Neely, of Craighall Bank in Kilmarnock, was suspended by the MoD in July 2023 after being charged before resigning in July this year.

Neely pled guilty to the offence last month and was handed a Community Payback Order with 12 months supervision and 180 hours of unpaid work.

He was also placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for a period of 12 months. Neely still faces an MoD Accelerated Misconduct Hearing following the conclusion of the trial.

Accelerated Misconduct Hearings take place when the investigation of allegations of gross misconduct, committed by MoD Police (MDP) officers on or off duty, identifies that special conditions are satisfied.

An accelerated hearing is heard by the Chief Constable and possible sanctions include a final written warning, a reduction in rank or dismissal without notice.

A source has been left dismayed that Neely won’t be facing a custodial sentence and are questioning how they can keep their “kids safe”.

Speaking to Ayrshire Live, the source said: “He was sentenced to 180 hours’ community service reduced from 200-odd hours for pleading guilty, placed on the sex offenders list and under supervision and will be attending counselling and psychiatrist.

“This was for looking at indecent images.

“This man has all the rights and protection from the system as we are left being told he is not a risk.

“How is this fair and where is the justice? How do I keep my kids safe in the streets when he is allowed to carry on as if nothing happened?”

A Ministry of Defence Police Spokesperson said: “We expect all our personnel to demonstrate the highest possible standards of behaviour and conduct at all times. We will take swift action against anyone that fails to maintain these standards.”

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