Time capsule opened by Tazewell High School Class of 1964
Time capsule opened by Tazewell High School Class of 1964

TAZEWELL, Va. -The Tazewell High School Class of 1964 gathered together Saturday for their sixtieth class reunion. However, this was more than a chance to see old friends but was a way to get a look back in time, thanks to a time capsule.

The Class of 64 joined with the other classes between 1960 and 1969 to see the contents of the box buried in the wall of the school. Inside were several newspapers and many pennies that helped to provide more information about when the box was first placed behind the school’s cornerstone.

The class president of 64, Tom Shrader, says he remembers the day when the school held an assembly on the front lawn to witness the placement of the time capsule but never imagined that he would be one of the people to open the box again.

“We had no idea… I had no idea that sixty years later I would be standing here in the cafeteria talking about that. It was just something there; we did it. You know, who’s going to be here sixty years from now to even talk about it,” says Shrader.

Shrader says the turnout for the reunion was “excellent,” with around 150 people attending.

He says they are planning to give everyone the chance to read the newspapers for themselves by displaying them in the Crab Orchard Museum after they dry.

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