A savvy man suggested it’s possible to drink coffee and tea throughout the whole day by just boiling the kettle once.

Sharing his tip under the TikTok username @costoflivingcrisistips, he advises followers on cutting costs in these tough times. His latest offering requires a bit of planning ahead.

According to him, if you boil your kettle at the beginning of the day, that heat could go further than you’d expect. Demonstrating his method, he steeped three tea bags in a pot for some time.

He then filled a flask with the freshly brewed tea, ensuring he had hot cuppas “all day”. Touted as an effortless trick to slash energy bills, his idea seems to have hit home with viewers.

Coffee enthusiasts need not feel left out; the same hack can be used with their preferred beverage. It’s quite the clever strategy to save on energy consumption.

Since posting, the video racked up hundreds of likes on TikTok, receiving a mix of awe and scepticism from viewers. Comments ranged from the supportive “Good idea.” To the doubtful “It can’t save more than a few pounds a day.”

Someone else recommended a different approach and said: “Or only boil the amount of water you actually need and save just as much.”

Another comment read: “Absolute joke that this even happens in this day and age.” If you’re seeking alternative methods to save money, a more cost-effective and efficient boiling method is to utilise a gas hob, as gas typically costs less than electricity.

You can also invest in energy-saving kettles that boil quickly and consume less energy than most standard appliances. Besides these, there are some simple tricks you can adopt on a daily basis.

These include only filling the kettle with the amount of water you require, ensuring the size matches the number of people you’re serving, and refraining from boiling it unless necessary.

It’s also recommended to use the hot water immediately to ensure nothing is wasted when the water is at its peak temperature.

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