Wishaw’s MSP has branded her Westminster counterpart “spineless” for voting in favour of cutting the Winter Fuel Payment.

The vote followed calls from across the political spectrum and third sector organisations to u-turn on the decision – which is set to see almost 900,000 pensioners across Scotland lose up to £300 in support this winter.

Every Labour MP who voted, bar one, backed the decision to cut the support payment to millions of pensioners across the UK, including Motherwell, Wishaw and Carluke MP Pamela Nash.

The town’s MSP, Clare Adamson of the SNP said: “Labour MPs were elected on the promise of change, but, instead, a spineless contingent of Scottish Labour MPs have put party before pensioners.

“Anas Sarwar told people that there would be no austerity under Labour. Where is he now?

“Keir Starmer’s party willingly signed up to Tory fiscal rules before the election and now Scottish pensioners – people in my Motherwell and Wishaw constituency – are paying the price.

“Every single SNP MP voted against these cuts, and we will continue to stand against Westminster imposed inequality.

“There are pensioners who are just above the threshold under these proposals. These are not wealthy people and without this crucial support, they will be in a precarious position when the cold weather hits.

“Many will be forced into a choice about heating their home, terrified of the cost. That is an appalling indictment of a Labour administration.

“People were promised change but they have been short-changed. The Labour government must see sense and reverse this decision before it’s too late.”

The Motherwell and Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau can assist with social security advice by phoning 0808 196 9180, emailing [email protected], or by visiting the office at 90 Brandon Parade East, Motherwell ML1 1LY.

Many pensioners who are entitled to Pension Credit do not claim it. You can apply for Pension Credit online at gov.uk/pension-credit/how-to-claim or by phoning the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234. A friend or family member can call for you.

In response, MP Pamela Nash said: “The Winter Fuel Payment will be devolved to the Scottish Government, who will decide on who should be in receipt of the new payment (called Pension Age Winter Heating Benefit) in Scotland. The Scottish Government has already confirmed that it will be means-tested and MSPs will likely be voting on this.

Motherwell, Wishaw and Carluke MP Pamela Nash (Image: WSH])

“The UK Government has had to make the decision to means test Winter Fuel Payment for pensioners in England and Wales. The Tories have left us with an unprecedented black hole in our UK national budget this year, it is now necessary to take difficult decisions to make ends meet.

“All pensioners across the UK will be better off under this Labour Government, the state pension is going up £400 next year and set to go up £1700 over this Parliament.

“We have absolutely guaranteed the triple lock on pensions for the lifetime of this Parliament, meaning that pension income will always rise and never fall.

“We are having to clear up 14 years of Tory mess that we knew about, and an extra £22bn that we did not. They have run up the tab and left us to pay the bill.

“It is a heavy responsibility, but we must repair the damage done to our economy under the previous government so that we can better support those who need it most, rebuild our public services and ensure all can flourish.

“When money is tight, it must be targeted to help those most in need. The UK Government is targeting support at the poorest pensioners, those in receipt of Pension Credit.

“We do not yet know if the Scottish Government will use the same qualifying criteria.

“I have been extremely concerned to learn that around 120,000 pensioners in Scotland may be eligible for Pension Credit but are not currently claiming it. Pension Credit is worth on average £3,900 per year and ensures that the recipient is also eligible for other lines of support and discounts.

“There has also been additional money allocated from the UK Government, £79m for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, to help those who are struggling this winter.

“It is crucial that the Scottish Government confirms that this money will be used as it is intended, to ensure that those who need in most are supported.”

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