A 100-year old statue of Robert Burns which was discovered in a South African compost heap has found a new home.

The rare cast-iron statue which was long thought lost and is believed to be the only surviving example of its kind has been donated to Historic Environment Scotland by its Ayrshire owners.

Alloway couple Paul and Alexandra Morris purchased the statue in 2013 and had it sympathetically restored after organising for it to be shipped back to Scotland.

Affectionately dubbed “Rusty Rabbie” by Paul and Alexandra, the statue now takes pride of place at the Engine Shed in Stirling, Historic Environment Scotland’s dedicated building conservation centre.

Alexandra said: “We wanted to find a safe, secure home for the statue and, after seeing how beautifully Rabbie was curated at the Engine Shed, we are delighted with our decision.”

(Image: Historic Environment Scotland)

Discovered in a compost heap in Durban in the 1950s, the statue has long been thought lost after originally being in Cape Town.

It was designed by the eminent sculptor David Watson Stevenson and originally cast at the famous McFarlane’s Foundry in Saracen, Glasgow, prior to the First World War.

The Saracen foundry had a reputation for producing high quality pieces of work, many of which are now considered to be of major historical importance.

During its restoration, lead testing was undertaken on flakes of paint to confirm the original colour.

It has now been re-painted with colours that reflect the original finish from when it left the McFarlane’s Foundry around 1900.

After enjoying sharing their home with Rabbie and giving talks about his discovery at Burns Clubs and historical societies, Paul and Alexandra decided the time was right for him to move on to a place where he would be fully appreciated and used for educational purposes.

(Image: Historic Environment Scotland)

Rusty Rabbie will be on display at the Engine Shed as part of the site’s Doors Open Days weekend, where visitors will be able to learn about the innovative iron founders competing to make the best metalwork – from statues like Rabbie to massive decorative cast iron ceilings – and the traditional metalworking techniques they used.

Rachael Dorman, technical education and training programme delivery manager at Historic Environment Scotland, said: “We are excited to open our doors on September 21 and 22 to give visitors a behind-the-scenes look at how Scotland is at the forefront of conservation and heritage research.

“From traditional skills and materials to digital and scientific innovation, there is a wealth of information and insights for visitors to enjoy at the Engine Shed.

“We’re particularly pleased to unveil the cast-iron statue of Robert Burns, which is fascinating both for its confounding history and as likely the only surviving example of its kind.

“We’re grateful to Paul and Alexandra for their generous donation, and the way in which this statue was made can teach us much.

“We hope this intriguing representation of our national poet will inspire visitors to learn more about the history and legacy of ironwork in Scotland.”

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