A Paisley man has admitted “taking advantage” of his former partner and subjecting her to domestic abuse.

Shaun Williamson admitted that, between April 1, 2019 and May 22 last year, at various Paisley locations, he engaged “in a course of behaviour which was abusive” towards his partner.

Williamson, of High Street in the town, made derogatory comments about her appearance, threw items around her home and demanded money from her on various occasions. The manipulative 35-year-old even threatened to harm himself if she ever left him.

The procurator fiscal depute told Paisley Sheriff Court the couple had been in a relationship for around 12 years with it coming to an end in May 2022.

She explained: “Around 8am on May 22, 2023, she was on her way to work walking along Causeyside Street when she observed the accused walking towards her.

“She took her earphones out and the accused inquired why she had blocked him. She kept walking and heard him shout, ‘fat smelly wh**e’ and ‘manipulative b***h’.

“While the couple were in a relationship, the accused repeatedly acted aggressively to her, shouting and swearing and threatening to stab her. He repeatedly broke belongings and would throw items around the house often causing her to hide in the bathroom.

“On an unknown date in 2021, the accused asked her for money to buy drugs and she told him no as she couldn’t afford it and, as a result, he became enraged and began throwing items around the house.

“He requested money on a number of occasions and she felt pressured to give him money as she didn’t want to anger him. In June 2023, she contacted police regarding a number of incidents and, on June 9, she provided police with screenshots of WhatsApp messages.

“During the course of these messages, he apologises for taking advantage of her and stated he was deeply sorry for being abusive and causing her anxiety and depression.

“He also sent her a number of messages accusing her of sleeping with other men and stated he would harm himself if she ever left him. When arrested, he replied, ‘I just don’t see how you have evidence, it’s her word against mine’, when cautioned and charged.”

Defence agent Charlie McCusker told the court that Williamson “accepts culpability” and added: “He works full-time as a chef and is fully prepared to engage with the social work department.”

Passing sentence, Sheriff Brian Mohan stated: “It’s only your behaviour in this relationship that’s got you into trouble in the court. There’s something wrong with your approach to relationships. But you don’t seem to be in denial about this or the need to change.”

Sheriff Mohan placed Williamson under supervision of the social work department for 18 months. In addition, he was made the subject of a four-year non-harassment order.

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