A community campaigner is among seven candidates hoping to become the new councillor for Falkirk South.

Independent candidate Sharron McKean hopes to fill the vacancy on Falkirk Council left by the resignation of councillor Euan Stainbank, now the MP for Falkirk.

As founder of Falkirk District Action Group (FDAG), Ms McKean says she wants to be a voice for the community she has got to know well in recent years.

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She set up FDAG in 2022 to highlight the problem of rats across the district and campaigned alongside local councillors to have pest control reinstated.

She then became actively involved in representing elderly people living in Falkirk’s high flats, working with them to highlight problems with anti-social behaviour and drug misuse.

She says she has always tried to work positively with Falkirk Council but became disillusioned with a lack of action.

“I now think that if I want to do any good for people in the high flats – and anywhere else – I’d be better on the other side of the table,” she said.

Ms McKean says she is passionate about volunteering in the community.

She has worked with councillors and activists from across the political spectrum, including non-political groups like Camelon, Tamfourhill and Bantaskine Community Council.

She has also been inspired by other councillors who have left political parties to become Independents.

“I spoke to some people who said I’d be better in a party but I decided to stand as an Independent because everybody is sick of the same story – the blame game,” she said.

“It’s not about what’s happened and who was in the administration when – it’s about the future.

“I also didn’t want to have to vote with my party when I didn’t agree with it,” she said.

“I know it sounds cheesy, but I just want to make a difference.”

Ms McKean is one of seven candidates standing in the election.

The SNP candidate is Carol Beattie, a town centre resident who was, until May this year, the chief executive of Stirling Council.

Standing for Labour is community activist Claire Aitken who is Hallglen “born and bred”.

Former councillor David Grant is standing for the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party.

The Scottish Greens candidate is Tom McLaughlin; Sean McCay is standing for the Liberal Democrats; and Stuart Martin is standing for Reform UK.

Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by midnight on Tuesday, October 1. Applications to register can be made online at GOV.UK: Register to vote.

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