People with a love for gardening could be inadvertently falling foul of the law, experts have warned.

Thousands of green-fingered people across the UK might be unknowingly engaging in illegal gardening practices due to a lack of awareness about the rules that govern their horticultural activities, according to specialists. Garden Buildings Direct has come forward with advice, offering seven lesser-known legal tips that UK gardeners should familiarise themselves with.

The guide aims to clarify what is and isn’t permissible in private gardens, covering issues such as overhanging branches, boundary disputes, sunlight obstruction, and the rights concerning wind-fallen fruit, reports the Express.

A representative from Garden Buildings Direct said: “Many homeowners may be completely unaware of the laws and guidance protecting their outdoor space.

“Avoid neighbourly disagreements and breaking garden laws by brushing up on guidance. Many people will know to avoid planting invasive species, as doing so could actually be breaking the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Mature woman working in her green garden.
Measure your hedges and its boundaries (Image: (Image: Getty))

“Blocking a neighbour’s windows could also get you into trouble, depending on the circumstances. If a window has received natural light for 20 years or more, you aren’t allowed to block the light by planting a large tree.”

Further insights were shared regarding regulations on garden buildings, hedge boundaries, and the disposal of hedge trimmings.

Garden buildings

If your garden building or summer house occupies more than 50% of the land around your home, exceeds a height of 2.5 metres, or is intended to be used as a self-contained living space, it will not fall under Permitted Development and will necessitate planning permission.

Under the Rights of Light Act, if a window has enjoyed natural light for 20 years or more, it cannot be obstructed by a newly planted tree.

Hedge boundaries

When it comes to hedge boundaries, if a hedge in your garden forms the boundary between your property and your neighbour’s, both parties are responsible for its upkeep and trimming. If a neighbour’s hedge encroaches into your garden, you have the right to trim it but must return the cuttings to the owner.

While you are legally permitted to cut branches that overhang into your garden up to your property line, these branches still belong to your neighbour. This means your neighbour can legally request any cuttings you remove from the branches.

Wooden garden shed in a summer
Measure how space your garden buildings take up (Image: (Image: Getty))

Protected trees

Carrying out work on or causing damage to protected trees without the necessary authorisation is an offence.

Significant trees are safeguarded by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). This prevents homeowners from removing or pruning them, even if they are located within their own garden. Interfering with a tree protected by a TPO without the correct permissions could result in a fine of up to £20,000.

Planting anything invasive.

Several foreign species are subject to legal regulations. Many, such as the Japanese Knotweed, can proliferate and inflict damage to properties.

These invasive plants may even encroach on neighbouring gardens. Planting these in your garden could be deemed illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

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