A single incident can sometimes be enough to send a relationship into a tailspin.

When it comes to divorces and breakups, many of us tend to think that long-term relationships only crumble due to infidelity. However, the reality is that some couples simply grow apart or accumulate minor issues until one person can’t take it anymore.

This is exactly what led one woman to announce she was leaving her husband of just over two years. She accused him of never helping around the house despite working fewer hours than her and having more free time. Even when she requests assistance, he refuses to lift a finger.

The final straw came when he “promised” to cook her dinner after she returned from a 12-hour shift – only for her to come home to nothing. His excuse, she said, was “pathetic”.

In a Reddit post, she vented: “I am stuck with most of the chores including DIY/maintenance etc. He will spend his time watching YouTube or sleeping. I have tried several times to air my feelings. I’ve tried the nice way. Doesn’t work. I’ve tried it where I’ve lost my cool and that doesn’t help.

“He has been off work for three weeks. He’s barely done any chores. He spends his time mostly watching TV and sleeping. He promised me that he’d make some food when I came back from work on Monday. After a 12-hour shift, I come home. I see he has not cooked. I asked him. He said ‘I didn’t feel like cooking’.

“So I went and got myself a ready meal. He then asked me why I got myself food and I didn’t get him anything. I told him because he didn’t cook as he promised, and he had no regards for me so I wasn’t going to regard him too.”

The frustrated woman also took steps to prep meals in advance for her upcoming long shifts, yet returned to find her husband had devoured everything. Despite his assurance of cooking that evening, he failed to follow through once again.

With divorce on her mind, she admits she “still loves” the man she married but is exhausted from trying to involve him in their partnership. Many supported her contemplation of divorce on the online forum, emphasising that both partners should contribute to their relationship, which seemed conspicuously one-sided in her case.

One commenter was particularly blunt: “You’ve tried everything you could, don’t feel obligated to do more. A relationship requires both parties to work for it. Not only does he refuse to do his part, he actually goes out of his way to make things more difficult for you. I would have left him long ago. The unfair division of work alone would have had me running. On top of that messing with a basic need like food, that is so many bridges too far for me.”

Another chimed in with a scathing critique: “He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings and has no respect for you. He expects you to do everything while he sits on his a**. I would have left a long time ago if this were me.”

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