Tales of cursed dolls are nothing new in the realm of horror films, with Chucky being a notorious example. However, for one woman, the nightmare seemed to spill into her own life.

A man took to Reddit to share his wife’s insistence on removing a plush toy from their home, convinced it was cursed. Posting in the CasualUK subreddit, he uploaded a photo of the sinister-looking female doll, now banished to his car, ready for disposal.

“This morning my wife made me take this creepy doll to a public bin as she thinks it’s cursed,” he wrote. The doll’s menacing gaze was apparently too much for her, as he continued: “She was dead serious too. Think we’ve watched too many horrors.”

The post sparked humorous advice from one reader, suggesting: “You should go back and get it. Wait a few weeks and leave it in the house somewhere.”

The husband dismissed the idea with a joke about risking his marriage: “If I wanted a divorce I’d show her my daily meal deal receipts!”

In a similar vein, another man recounted finding eerie garden ornaments at his new home, which unsettled his own wife. “When I bought my home, we inherited these scary AF looking flower pot men in our back garden and they creeped the hell out of my wife,” he said.

“So without hesitation, every evening when she went for a bath, I went out back and moved them forward an inch or two for about a week. Needless to say the entertainment value of freaking her out was worth it.”

Meanwhile, a fellow Reddit user branded the action “irresponsible”, concerned the doll could eventually land in someone else’s hands. “If it’s cursed, wouldn’t chucking it in a public bin be extremely irresponsible?” they queried. “Now someone else can find it and do evil cursed doll stuff to them. Does your wife want that on her conscience!?”

Conversely, another Reddit user outlined two possible outcomes for the original poster. They spelled out his potential scenarios. “You’ve got 2 options here chief,” he explained, before detailing: “1 – it never returns from the public bin so it’s not cursed and just a doll. 2 – after binning it and you think it’s gone for good it turns up on your doorstep with a note in child’s writing saying ‘Why don’t you want to play with me? ‘ then it is 100% cursed and you should contact your local rabbi/priest person to exorcise it.”

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