A sister has been left seething after her brother firmly confirmed her dog is not welcome at his wedding.

Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions, bringing together friends and family to celebrate love. However, the lead-up can often be fraught with tension as couples try to balance their own wishes with the expectations of their guests.

It’s a tough task for any couple to maintain their stance and decline odd, unreasonable, or demanding requests for their nuptials, and harmony sometimes comes at a cost.

One such groom-to-be is now dealing with the anger of his sister-in-law after he made it clear her Pomeranian is not invited to his imminent wedding. He took his dilemma to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole forum, seeking advice and judgement from the online community about the situation regarding his sister’s pet.

Emily, his sister-in-law, takes her “tiny, yappy” dog everywhere with her, whether it’s “family dinners, grocery shopping, you name it.”

She’s extremely fond of her pooch, assuming that it’s welcome wherever she goes. The groom explained the little dog is like “her emotional support animal”, although he noted it’s “not officially” recognised as such.

The issue came to a head when Emily quipped about what her dog would wear to the wedding, leading the groom and his fiancee Sarah to realise with dismay that Emily was planning to bring her pet along on their special day.

The groom explained: “I told her flat-out, ‘Sorry, no dogs at the wedding.’ Emily got really upset and told me that her dog is like family. She claimed it would be cruel to leave him behind for an entire day, and that she couldn’t enjoy the wedding if she was worrying about him the whole time.”

Woman brushing her Pomeranian dog
The woman takes her dog everywhere (stock image) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

After conferring with Sarah, they both concluded “a wedding is not the place for a dog, especially one that barks at random and can be a bit of a handful”. Adding to the couple’s decision is the fact the groom’s aunt has allergies, and “the venue has a strict no-pets policy”.

In spite of all reasons being communicated, Emily stands by her view that the couple are acting unreasonably.

The groom’s prospective mother-in-law stepped in on Emilys behalf, arguing the dog should be allowed at the ceremony “to keep the peace”.

Nevertheless, Sarah and her fiance are holding their ground, unwavering in their stance that they “don’t want to compromise the atmosphere of [their] wedding for one guest’s dog”. Reddit users quickly joined the conversation to weigh in, with the majority siding against Emily.

The couple don't want to back down. (Stock image)
The couple don’t want to back down (stock image) (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

One simply stated: “NTA [not the a**hole] Pets stay home is the default.”

Another pointed out: “If the venue says no pets, it’s really out of your hands. It would be horrible to have your wedding shut down because there was a dog there.”

A third person remarked: “If the place has a no pets policy, then that’s that. It’s not a “No pets except Emily’s” policy.”

Another concurred: “NTA. I’ve got dog kids, too, but the venue does not allow pets, end of story. And even if it did, the bride and groom’s wishes govern the wedding.”

Another chimed in: “NTA. It’s crazy what people think they can get away with at other people’s weddings as someone who has never made a demand of any bridal party”.

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