In some people’s eyes, Donald can do no wrong

Mechanicville, N.Y.: Donald Trump gets away with evading consequences for everything he illegally violates. Why is this contempt for the rule of law what his supporters admire about him? It has been documented and proven throughout his lifetime that he has cheated and gotten away with everything he has done in order to fulfill his insatiable appetite for wealth and power.

Trump uses people to carry out his demands so that they take the blame for his illegal activities. He forces everyone who works for him to make written pledges of allegiance — nondisclosure and prenuptial agreements. Look at how many allies of his have been found guilty and received Trump’s last-minute pardons and commuted sentences.

Those who fail him face the harshest degree of retribution. On Day One, he admits he will punish those who have exposed his illegalities. He has been impeached twice for very serious reasons, and too many of our elected representatives are guilty of illegally aiding and abetting his unlawful behavior. His statements are recorded everywhere and these threats can be witnessed on YouTube.

Trump knows that he is guilty of all the charges he still faces. That’s why he is constantly threatening everyone. There is no “deep state” that is out to get him just because they don’t like him. Ask devoted MAGA followers to intelligently explain exactly why half of America dislikes and distrusts him. He has failed to “Make America Great Again,” along with so many other campaign promises. William C. Smith


Manhattan: Oh, poor, poor Voicer Phyllis Tropea! She claims that Trump will clean up all our messes. Trump was president of the United States from 2017 to 2021 and he cleaned up nothing. But he created many new messes: the largest national debt in history, an escalation of hate crimes and a country unprepared for an international pandemic that eventually killed a million Americans. He never closed any borders, nor did he make Mexico pay for it. Why would anyone invite him back to Washington to fail a second time? Hey, Phyllis, I have some bridges to sell you. Sam Katz

Lawful only

Richmond Hill: To Voicer Gina Ottrando: You say “which immigrants are deemed acceptable.” Yes, the immigrants deemed acceptable are legal immigrants! Why is it so difficult to understand the difference between legal and illegal? Myself, my brothers and our wives are all first-generation children of (here comes that word again) legal immigrants. I’m sure Trump’s two wives you mentioned were both legal immigrants. Our country and our cities can not handle the incredible numbers of migrants — millions upon millions — and provide for them while deserving citizens like veterans and others are denied proper services. So, Gina, look up the words “legal” and “illegal” and see if you can understand the difference. Joseph Napoleone

Clearly stated

Fairfield, Conn.: Voicer Sal Iteonadis stated that the Dems now have a candidate who has not accomplished anything in three years nor specifically states her policies. Am I to assume that you did not watch the debate? I believe she stated her vision quite clearly — and does so continually, unlike her opponent, who offers “concepts.” As for not getting anything done in the last three years, can you list all that Mike Pence accomplished during Trump’s presidency? Stephen Johnson

Freak show

Scarborough, N.Y.: I recommend that the current “Adams Family” comedy production — Mayor Adams, his girlfriend, his sister-in-law, the Banks brothers, Sheena Wright, the Caban brothers, Tim Pearson, Kaz Daughtry, Winnie Greco, Rana Abbasova, et al — get their resumés in order because that clown show is not being renewed. Thomas F. Comiskey

Play ’em out

Union, N.J.: C’mon, sing along with me, you know the tune! They’re crooked and corrupted / No one can be trusted / As one by one they’re busted / The Adams family! / The city was a dream / Now it’s a mausoleum / You really want to scream / Thanks Adams family. Lou Alt

Fair in war

Flushing: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her disapproval of Israel for detonating pagers used exclusively by members of Hezbollah because nearby Lebanese civilians were injured. But Hezbollah distributed the pagers only to its own members. None were distributed to civilians. Thus, Israel’s decision to detonate them was intended to target only the members of Hezbollah, and to avoid harming civilians not associated with Hezbollah. This decision should teach Hezbollah members to distance themselves from Lebanese civilians. These detonations saved Israeli lives in the near term by disrupting the ability of Hezbollah members to communicate their plans to continue firing rockets into Israeli towns. Theodore Sheskin

Tricky trucks

Hong Kong: I’m a native New Yorker living overseas. On a recent family visit, I was shocked to see food trucks lined up outside the Museum of Natural History and the Met without prices marked for their wares and — surprise — charging outlandish prices. If this practice doesn’t violate consumer protection laws, it certainly should. Moreover, it implicates the entire city in price-gouging and gives New York a black eye as a tourist destination. Our city must do better. Muhammad Cohen

Local burden

Manhattan: Reading the Sept. 23 editorial “Congestion pricing countdown,” which also discussed the UN traffic issues, reminded me of a recent statement by London Prof. Tony Travers that traffic there did not decrease after the tolls. So, I don’t expect any better result in my Lower Manhattan neighborhood, where the NYPD still keeps Park Row, a major north/south roadway, closed to use as a parking lot for Police Plaza staff. Those living in the congestion toll zone will surely face increased costs. The old adage “businesses don’t pay taxes, consumers due” will no doubt govern. As far as the UN goes, has anyone ever reviewed the amount of tax breaks for consulates, the cost of police protection, lost business revenue during the assembly because people avoid the city, or the taxes lost on the UN building itself? Isn’t it about time for some other country to enjoy the dubious benefit of having the UN headquartered there? John Ost

On a roll

Garwood, N.J.: After the Buffalo Bills’ 47-10 absolute beatdown of the Jaguars on Monday night, maybe now the Daily News sports department will give them more than one paragraph each week. After all, they are the only real New York football team. I can’t wait to see in two weeks when the Bills play your precious Jets and we knock Aaron Rodgers on his butt again! Go Bills Mafia! John E. Deichmeister

Parental responsibility

Stratford, Conn.: Enough! When they catch these juveniles making online mass shooting threats, the parents should be liable for whatever overtime or expense is borne by the town’s school district. Make them refinance their house, get a second mortgage, dip into their kid’s college savings or their own retirement savings — make it hurt. Let’s see how this affects these knuckleheads when they and their parents are moving in with grandma at her one-bedroom condo, or living under the I-95 underpass. It starts with the parents. Having children is a privilege, not a right. Stop counting on everybody but yourself to take responsibility for teaching your children the right way. And start printing their names. If they are old enough to break the law, they are old enough to have their and their families’ names printed! Peter Sulzicki

Guns amok

Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: I read in the paper that stop-and-frisk is back and it is being used illegally. Let me propose to the judges the following scenario: You live in the city with your family and you smell smoke coming from the floors beneath you. You call the Fire Department and they go to the wrong address — worse yet, they don’t show up at all. The captain of the precinct has seen a rise in victims shot by guns. Where should he deploy the most cops? Your honors, I hope the burning building you are in is not also in this command. Like Chicago, NYC has some of the toughest gun laws on the books. Why are they not enforced? Randy Jurgensen

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