A once-obese teacher has shared his inspiring weight-loss journey after shedding over 10 stone to be the parent he always wanted to be.

Douglas Clark, 48, had weighed in at a staggering 26st 11lbs just two years ago. Standing 6ft tall, Douglas realised his size was becoming a barrier to being active and present for his children – Stanley, 18, Nancy, 20, and Ivy, 16.

Now, the Renfrewshire father has gone from struggling with his weight to living a healthier life, no longer needing blood pressure medication and enjoying activities like running and gym sessions with his family.

After his ultra-fit mother, former national cycling champion Elizabeth Clark, passed away at 77, and his son expressed an interest in the gym, Douglas knew it was time for a drastic change.

Douglas after losing 10 stone
Douglas after losing 10 stone (Image: Douglas Clark)
Douglas at his heaviest
Douglas at his heaviest (Image: Douglas Clark)

He explained: “The family has been obsessed with fitness and health, but it missed me out, unfortunately. My mum’s passing planted the seed that I had to get fit to be around for my family.

“When my son wanted to start going to the gym, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back because I wanted to go, but I also didn’t because of how unfit I looked.”

Douglas began his journey by joining Slimming World, but he is quick to point out that his remarkable transformation wasn’t down to one method alone.

“It was all down to discipline and cutting things out. I haven’t been eating like a rabbit,” he said.

“I don’t look at what makes it difficult. It’s about what makes it easy, and that’s not being caught short like how I used to be by stopping for an Irn-Bru and a packet of Minstrels, every day.”

Douglas is grateful for the support he received from his wife Gemma and their children throughout his journey.

“My wife was in a no-win situation because she always said she loved me the way I was. I didn’t believe her because how could I? I was 10 stone overweight,” he admitted.

But despite the backing of his loved ones, the devoted dad knew that if he was to make a change it would be down to his own determination.

“At the end of the day, it was down to myself to make it happen,” he said. “The things that have changed for me are the things that most people take for granted, like going to any shop in Braehead to buy clothes. I can fit into a Medium or Large now after being a 4XL.

Douglas alongside his wife Gemma and two of his children Stanley and Ivy
Douglas alongside his wife Gemma and two of his children Stanley and Ivy (Image: Douglas Clark)
Douglas alongside his mum, dad and two brothers
Douglas alongside his mum, dad and two brothers (Image: Douglas Clark)

“I can now be the parent I always wanted to be, that I couldn’t be. Such as going to the gym with my son or doing the West Highland Way and Parkruns with my wife. I used to just watch my wife do Parkrun, but now I can run the full way.”

In the past six months of his weight loss journey, Douglas turned to personal trainer, Jamie Scott, at his gym Thrive in Bridge of Weir.

Jamie told the Record that Douglas’ transformation has been one of the most inspirational he has seen.

He added: “Douglas has completely transformed who he is as a person. I have never worked with anyone who has lost that amount of weight, he is one of the most inspirational cases I have seen.”

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