Richlands Police Department helps those affected by storm
Richlands Police Department helps those affected by storm

RICHLANDS, Va. -The storm and outage affected many in the Two Virginias, and, in some cases, prevented people from getting fresh water.

On Sunday, the Richlands Police Department announced on Facebook, “We will be opening the police department showers today from 1:00PM to 3:00PM…” They also let people use their water hose to fill containers that they brought with them.

That day, they were able to serve around 15 to 20 people. Now, they hope to continue these services and more in the coming week as the outage continues throughout the area.

Throughout the week, they are planning to hold more opportunities for people to come in and shower at the Richlands Police Department facility, with those dates to be announced on their Facebook page.

In addition, they will have 24/7 access to their water hose and a charging station also at the department.

Another service they are planning on providing is chaplain services, saying in a Facebook post, “We will have our Richlands Police Department Chaplains on duty Monday through Friday 2:00PM-3:00PM this week. If you’re in need of prayer or spiritual counseling, we’d be happy to have you meet with our tremendous men of faith. We can all use a little help and support during these hard times.”

They plan to have everything available for the foreseeable future as people are still affected by the continuing power outage.

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