Corporate leadership suffers without some spine

Olivebridge, N.Y.: American music video director Robby Starbuck has threatened major corporations with a boycott if they do not abandon/repudiate diversity, equity and inclusion. To date, the leadership of Tractor Supply Company, Lowe’s, John Deere, Harley Davidson and now Ford have publicly announced the end of their DEI efforts.

You have to question the leadership of these corporations. What is wrong with diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace? I dare not ask if this means that these fine organizations will now implement the opposite values. The issue itself is less important than the caliber of leadership in these organizations. The nature of leadership is at the core of this. Courage is the most important quality of leadership. Without it, all other qualities become irrelevant.

The leadership of these companies originally made the decision to manage their organizations by having a diverse workforce, to administer policies in a fair and equitable way, and to include all groups when hiring and promoting. All this changed because an American music video director in an obscure studio somewhere has threatened them with a boycott. Does this person want us to return to an all-white male workforce? When promotions went to white males? There was a time in American industry when that was the case. Is that what our music video director wants? With timid leadership, he may get his way.

I have to think that these companies are making other decisions with this same weak-willed, timid decision-making process. Does this same leadership style permeate their organizations? How will it affect them in the future? And boycotts swing both ways. Warren Davis

At your disposal

Brooklyn: On Sunday, the Sanitation Department hosted an electronics and solvents recycling event in Sunset Park. While I was able to walk with a hand truck from my home to dispose of old paint and a television, there were many who came by car. The car line was long, and I was very impressed with how everyone made such an effort to safely dispose of products that would be harmful if in the regular trash. Thank you to DSNY personnel and the many others who showed what New Yorkers are all about. Finally, a good news story. Jack La Torre

Newborn recruits

Parkland, Fla.: I read where Russia has passed a law making it illegal for couples to refuse to have children. Completely understandable, as they have lost hundreds of thousands of young men in the Ukraine War and are in dire need of the next generation of cannon fodder. John Squicciarini


Charlotte, N.C.: So, Democratic Mayor Adams was indicted by a Democratic administration. It would be nice if the “law and order” party could do that with their own people. But I guess that’s just too difficult for them. Ron Turek

Holiday wishes

Manhattan: “Eric Adams Christmas” (to the tune of “White Christmas”): I’m dreaming of a cool mayor / Clad in $6,000 suits / With a boastful swagger / But plans that stagger / And funds the FBI pursues / I’m dreaming of a cool mayor / Who imports immigrants wholesale / Merry Christmas, Eric, and hail / May you spend your Christmas Eve in jail. Susan M. Silver

We’ve seen much worse

Manhattan: Perhaps it’s our shared Queens background, but I like Mayor Adams. He’s handled an influx of more than 200,000 migrants with very limited help from Albany or Washington. He’s a full-time mayor, working hard and visible day and night. The indictment seems hardly a slam dunk for the government. A recent mayor was starting his day at noon after a motorcade from Gracie Mansion to a Brooklyn YMCA for a two-hour gym session, then to a bakery to make calls seeking donations, done for the day at 5-ish and hidden in Gracie. I wonder what happened to the $850 million allocated to his wife’s pet project, ThriveNYC, which produced zero results. Could NYC have used a mental health outreach program? Were phones and laptops seized by the government from ThriveNYC personnel? The former mayor walked a tightrope of corruption but escaped. Robert J. Katz

One-note nominee

Monroe, N.J.: Listening to the many speeches Donald Trump has recently given, I can see that his feeble mind can only handle one topic wherever he goes. Everything he is asked about or tries to present to organizations is deflected and laced with lies. Economic plans? Immigration. Women’s rights? Immigration. Gun control? Immigration. He has great policies planned, mostly “concepts” that will be “released in a few weeks,” as he stated in the last debate weeks ago. Maybe he either can’t comprehend it or avoids it, but his policies are spelled out in Project 2025. Perhaps he can find an audio version of it. Katherine A. Moloney

Sip of truth

Smithfield, R.I.: I am gonna be in complete disagreement with Voicer Mary Caggiano from Crazytown. Voicer Anne Slamka sees clearly and isn’t drinking any Kool-Aid. She’s drinking reality cider. She knows Orange Jeff Davis is a fraudulent felon and has despotic tendencies and desires. She remembers the chaos of his first term. Many of Don’s term mates aren’t endorsing him. By the way, what happened to Mike Pence? Oh yeah, and John Bolton, Betsy DeVos, Anthony Scaramucci, former Chief of Staff John Kelly? They and Liz Cheney know that the orange menace is incompetent. They all know orange R. Kelly is only out for himself and his family. And I am advising against buying any of his stupid watches or his coins. Anne, thank you for enlightening us. Keep enjoying your reality cider and Honest Tea. And thanks for sharing your astute observations. Stephen De Falco

Fair deal

East Meadow, L.I.: No one who enters this country illegally should ever be allowed to become a citizen. If they desire to “come out of the shadows,” the answer should be conditional permanent resident status without the opportunity to earn citizenship. I’d say that’s a pretty compassionate compromise. Greg Hecht

Selfish agendas

Kew Gardens: Regarding Voicer Rose Mary Lancaster’s letter, which she felt may not be too “learned,” she actually hit the nail on the head. For as long as I remember, our government has not addressed the needs of its people. For too long, if a Republican is elected, the money and tax breaks go to the wealthy and corporations. If a Democrat is elected, the monies go to the extremely poor. The once middle class or working class gets nothing. This has been going on for more than 40 years. Now religion has entered the election, with the religious right calling for a total ban on abortion. Our leaders have successfully pitted us against one another. It is my considered opinion that as of right now, the two worst and most dangerous groups in this country are self-involved, self-promoting politicians and the religious right. Jeff Pullen

Socialism sometimes

Brooklyn: It really is interesting how Republicans in states devastated by storms that have intensified because of climate change cry for help from the federal government! Socialism is not only good when storms hit! Harvey Kaplan

Watering hole farewell

Delray Beach, Fla.: Glacken’s Bar and Grill, serving customers since 1940, has closed its doors, another victim of the way NYC makes it impossible for a small bar to thrive. This was a family-owned bar, and no matter who you were, what your occupation was, white or Black, you were treated with respect and treated like family. The bus lanes, the restrictions on parking, the COVID pandemic with the ridiculous laws made it impossible for the bar to do business. I am now 67 and have been going to Glacken’s since 1987. Going to a Yankees game, you had to make a stop there. Knowing the entire family makes it even more difficult. In fact, Tommy Glacken came to my daughter’s wedding, and I will always cherish that memory. The closing of this bar is like a sad funeral, and going to Yankees games will never have the same meaning. Manny Agostini

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