A teenager battling a rare form of cancer, who received a special embrace from the Princess of Wales, described the encounter as so “jaw-dropping” and “insane” that she hadn’t even included it on her bucket list.

Aspiring photographer Liz Hatton, hailing from Harrogate in North Yorkshire, was granted the unique opportunity to capture behind-the-scenes images at an investiture, which were subsequently shared by Kensington Palace. This marked the first occasion the princess has been photographed returning to her duties following her own chemotherapy treatment this summer.

Upon learning that Liz, who only has weeks left to live, had created a photography ‘bucket list’, Kate and Prince William invited her to conduct the shoot. In a touching moment, the Princess of Wales embraced a “shell-shocked” Liz in an unexpected meeting post-shoot, the Mirror reports.

In a heartfelt message shared on social media, the Prince and Princess of Wales later expressed: “A pleasure to meet Liz at Windsor today. A talented young photographer whose creativity and strength has inspired us both. Thank you for sharing your photos and story with us. WandC.”

A photo of Liz and the royals
Liz and her family with the Prince and Princess of Wales (Image: @KensingtonRoyal/The Mirror)

Liz, who has endured ten rounds of intense chemotherapy, spoke to the Mirror this morning about how her surprise meeting with the couple left her “shell-shocked”.

She said: “It wasn’t even on my bucket list, it was way too big. I never thought I would get to do anything as massive as this. When I did my bucket list I just put some ideas down that I didn’t even think any of these things would happen.”

The young lass was invited to Windsor Castle after the royal couple were informed about her ‘bucket list’ by a contact at the London Air Ambulance.

Liz explained: “My mum told me that someone from the air ambulance crew had contacted the palace and was trying to arrange something. But at that point I was completely convinced that absolutely nothing would come of it because I am just some random girl from North Yorkshire and they’re the Royal Family.”

A few months prior, she mentioned a similar event had been planned but “unfortunately my treatment got in the way of that”.

She gushed: “But they were just so lovely and they promised to reschedule and stay in touch which they did and a few weeks ago they got back in touch and said there was another opportunity so obviously we jumped on it because we could.

“Since then they’ve explained everything to us before it happened except for meeting them – which we completely didn’t know about! We had no idea we would be meeting the Prince and Princess until they walked through the door.

“I was quite shell-shocked to be honest, the whole day was jaw dropping. But that moment was just insane. It was really special because they were just so kind.”

Describing the warmth of the embrace from Kate, she said it felt “really special”. She was struck by the royal couple’s grounded nature, adding: “There was nothing about them that suggested they were superior.

“They were just really human to be honest and really natural. There was never a moment of awkwardness. It was normal to talk to them. They talked a lot about my photography.”

A photo of Liz holding a camera
Liz is an aspiring photographer with a rare type of cancer (Image: No credit)

She revealed how Kate expressed a “little bit” about her own passion for photography inquiring which camera she uses, revealing hers to be a Canon. When it came to future aspirations, Liz was clear: “doing anything with Vogue, that would be a dream! And anything to do with music.

“I just love new experiences and trying everything possible, I can. Anything around meeting people. That is what I live for at this point really.

“I’m just very blessed and very honoured that people have taken their time to look at what I’ve done and I’m happy to say they’ve enjoyed it and people appreciate it. That’s amazing.”

Liz also had words of encouragement for other young people enduring tough times: “I’d say ‘find the thing that makes it worth carrying on’ because there are definitely times when you will question whether it is worth carrying on. But if you don’t find those things to make you pull through and make it worth it, then you will struggle a lot more.”

To alleviate each harsh “horrible” chemotherapy session, her family always arranged “something nice” to soften the blows. Reflecting on the treatment, her mum noted: “The side effects are so much worse than we expected.”

Liz crafted her photography bucket list to create a ‘lifetime of memories’ after being diagnosed with desmoplastic small round cell tumour in January.

With the condition being exceedingly rare, there is no established standard care treatment. Her mother Vicky Robayna, 43, expressed that their extraordinary experience with the Royal Family was “utterly incredible”.

Vicky said: “To be invited to take photos of the investiture ceremony was not something she had put on the bucket list, it was way too big to put on the bucket list. We didn’t know she was going to meet The Prince or the Princess.

“We thought the best case scenario was Prince William might have said ‘hello’ to her while she was taking photos. We didn’t think it would go beyond that and we certainly didn’t expect to see anybody.

“When we got there they said ‘Prince William would like to say ‘hello’ at the end’. And even then we thought it would just be a very quick ‘hello.’ But then they both walked in together and spent half an hour chatting with us, and were just so lovely and so kind, so genuine, they just completely bowled us over.”

Kate Middleton was also diagnosed with cancer earlier this year but recently received the all clear

However, Vicky mentioned that the absolute highlight was when they shared her daughter’s pictures on their Instagram account.

She said: “This meant the world to her because one of the big things she says is; ‘I want people to see my photographs’. And they certainly achieved that for her, she’s got another 1000 followers on her Instagram overnight. I don’t think any of us quite believe it has happened.”

The mum commended the couple’s team, revealing the evident affection they have for working with the royal couple.

“Every single member of the team has been so genuine and kind, right down to checking what food she can eat at the moment, what food she can enjoy. Telling us ‘ If she gets up and is not feeling it at the moment or is not feeling very well just get in touch and we will reschedule.

“They could have been more thoughtful and kind, every member of the team. You could just tell how much they loved them, loved working for them. It was just a very genuine atmosphere.”

She explained how they took care to include their eight year old son Mateo, who was present. “They were really careful to involve him and chat to him, he’s very very shy but at the end of the time he was chatting away to them.

“Obviously it was about Liz and making Liz feel special but I think often in these situations siblings get forgotten and it’s really tough on them too.”

Tearfully, she added: “They made him feel part of such an incredible day and when his sister isn’t here, and she won’t be, because she only has eight to ten weeks to live at this point, he has a memory he can tell his children and grandchildren.

“He’s only eight so some of those memories won’t stay forever but this one will. And for Liz it has been the most incredible opportunity and for us it has been the best and most surreal day any of us have ever had or ever will have.

“I don’t think any of us could quite believe it when they walked in and then when they were just so utterly lovely, What was really nice was that they talked to her about her photography rather than about her being ill. Liz has always said ‘my cancer doesn’t define me, it is just a part of who I am’.”

“They made it about the things that were important to her rather than about her being poorly.” Liz expressed: “When I was diagnosed, I dropped out of school and decided that I was going to pursue what I enjoyed most, which is photography.”

She mentioned she had been “lucky enough” to do a lot of her bucket list including a stint at London Fashion Week.

Speaking about her decision to make a bucket list, she added: “I have a choice of carrying on treatment or carrying on with life. Considering my treatment isn’t likely to work, I may as well fill my life with as many good experiences as I can because those happy memories are what’s going to be most important. Not just for me but for those around me who experience them with me.”

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