Doing laundry is often a challenge, not least when trying to dry clothing during damp weather.

Home expert Caroline Solomon, also known on TikTok as @neat. caroline, otherwise known as has shared a brilliant hack that rapidly cuts down on drying time for clothes from all night to just one or two hours.

Her tip has been dubbed the “burrito” method and she showcased the technique in her visual guide aptly named “How to dry clothes fast without a dryer.”

To begin, Caroline lays out a towel flat and places a wet T-shirt at the bottom edge. She then rolls the towel tightly with the garment inside from the bottom up, mimicking the style of a “burrito.”

The crucial step involves pressing firmly on the rolled-up towel to squeeze out any excess moisture – a task Caroline accomplishes by using her knees to apply extra pressure.

After unrolling, just place the partially dried item on a hanger or drying rack, and according to the tidying whizz, it will “will dry in one to two hours instead of overnight”.

The burrito method was tried and tested by and delivered impressively effective results. For those in urgent need of dry attire, Caroline advises that blasting your bunched-up piece with a hairdryer post-“burrito” could get the job done in “one minute”.

Adding to the advice, Deyan Dimitrov, cleaning expert and CEO of Laundryheap, offered up several “quick-dry” tips to help people struggling with soggy garments during the winter.

The guide includes a crucial tip to avoid drying racks being too close to walls when air-drying attire in the chilly months.

When dangling your freshly washed clothes, its best to position them away from any walls to allow for optimum airflow around the garments, preventing excess moisture from getting trapped between your clothes and the wall.

For garments to air dry “quickly and effectively”, make sure there’s ample space between items hung on the line or drying rack. Similarly, when using hangers, spacing out the clothes can actually “speed up” the drying process due to better air circulation.

Once your washing is done, hang your items in well-aired spots such as hallways or near cosy alcoves (think beside radiators, adjacent to windows, or by doors) within your abode.

Air movement from either warm or cool drafts in these areas will accelerate drying, ensuring that both air and clothing are kept in constant motion.

Overcome any persistent damp or musty smells with a smart pre-dry method. Initially, lay your laundered items out flat and cover them with a clean towel, then press over them lightly with a hot iron.

This brief application of heat jump-starts the drying process, and the towel helps draw out additional dampness, thwarting undesirable odours before they can take hold.

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