Mouth cancer is striking increasingly younger individuals, and dentists are raising the alarm over warning signs that are often overlooked. Dr Ferakh Hamid from Aesthetique Dental Care has pointed out that a growing number of young people are being diagnosed with mouth cancer without clear risk factors.

Dentist speaking to a patient
The expert urged people to seek medical help if they feel something isn’t quite right (Image: GETTY)

He has identified several symptoms that could be early indicators of the disease, including a persistent thickness in the throat. This sensation, described as “a persistent feeling of something in their throat” which may alter the feeling when swallowing or cause constant throat discomfort, is commonly dismissed by many who do not link it to serious health issues. Dr Hamid cautioned: “This can be an early warning sign of mouth cancer. It’s crucial to listen to your body.”

Additionally, vocal changes or hoarseness, often mistaken for common cold symptoms, could signify more severe problems if they persist, especially if it affects speaking volume or clarity. The dentist advises those experiencing such symptoms to seek professional advice.

Swollen lymph nodes, particularly in the neck area, could be a red flag for several health conditions. The doctor emphasised: “If you notice swelling or a lump in your neck that persists or grows, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly. Early detection can significantly impact the success of treatment.”

If you’re having trouble chewing, swallowing, or speaking, it’s time to get checked out. Dr Hamid strongly advises anyone with persistent or worsening difficulties to see a healthcare professional.

Earaches and headaches might not always be benign. According to the expert: “While ear pain and headaches can be attributed to various causes, their persistent or unusual occurrence warrants attention, especially when accompanied by other symptoms of mouth cancer. It’s important to connect these dots and discuss them with your dentist or doctor.”

Numbness in your mouth is a serious alarm bell. Numbness or strange feelings in the mouth, lips, or tongue, especially if paired with discolouration, are major warning signs of mouth cancer. Dr Hamid warned: “These are not normal changes, and they should not be ignored. A healthcare provider can help determine the cause and necessary next steps.”

Woman feeling pain in her throat
Pain from a variety of areas around the head and neck could indicate mouth cancer or other ailments (Image: GETTY)

If you notice your teeth are loose without a dental explanation, it might not just be the stuff of bad dreams – it could signal oral cancer. Dr Hamid cautioned: “If you’re experiencing this alongside other symptoms, it could be a sign of something more serious, such as oral cancer. It’s crucial to report these changes to your dentist or a healthcare professional as soon as possible.”

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