A woman was forced to lock herself in her car at a Barrhead shop after her former partner shouted abuse at her.

Paul Millan breached a bail order granted at Paisley Sheriff Court by shouting and swearing at his ex on September 5.

The 44-year-old was made subject to the court order on June 26 with the condition that he didn’t approach, contact or communicate with Sarah Montgomery.

However, Millan, of Divernia Way in Barrhead, breached this condition last month when he caused her “fear or alarm” while she was at the shops in Barrhead’s Arthurlie Avenue.

Procurator fiscal depute Michael Cunningham told Paisley Sheriff Court: “Around 9.30am on September 5, Sarah Montgomery attended at the shop for groceries.

“As she left, she heard the accused shouting, ‘You’re a f*****g grass’ and also shouting, ‘You’re a rat’.

“This made Ms Montgomery fearful and she made her way to her car and locked herself in and phoned the police. She then went home and officers attended at her home address and took statements from her.

“Officers then traced the accused on September 11 around 4.10pm at his home address. He was arrested and he stated, ‘did you check the CCTV, she came up to me too’.

“He was thereafter caution and charged, stated he understood but made no reply. Following this, he was then taken to Aitkenhead Road police station where he was processed and held in custody to appear at this court the next lawful day.”

Mr Cunningham told the court Ms Montgomery is “extremely fearful” of Millan and was supportive of a non-harassment order being made by the court.

Defence agent Tony Callaghan, appearing on behalf of Eamon McGeehan, told the court: “Police did view the CCTV and they were able to see that both engaged in a verbal argument, so that does give credence to what Mr Millan said about her coming up to him as well.”

Sheriff Sean Lynch said: “The custody threshold has been met in terms of the offence and your record, however, the social work report is indicative there are alternatives available. So, I will impose a community payback order as a direct alternative to custody.”

Millan was ordered to carry out 67 hours of unpaid work in the community reduced from 100 hours to reflect the timing of his guilty plea. In addition, he was made subject of the social work department for 12 months. This was imposed as a “direct alternative to custody”.

A non-harassment order was also made preventing Millan from approaching or contacting Ms Montgomery for 12 months.

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