Almost 1,700 people of all ages have already taken part in a survey as part of a consultation on the future of Stirling Council’s libraries.

And even if you aren’t a current library user, you are being encouraged to share your views with two weeks to go before the survey closes at midnight on Friday November 1. Paper copies are also available in libraries.

The views of people who live, work and study in the Stirling area will feed into a new vision and strategy for the council’s libraries, guiding service delivery for the next five years (2025-2030).

The council says the strategy will ensure libraries can adapt and modernise to meet the changing needs of communities at a time of rapid technological advances and increasing financial pressures on local government.

A children’s survey on libraries has also been launched for under-12s which is also available online, in libraries and schools.

Community wellbeing and housing convener Councillor Gerry McGarvey said: “The fantastic response to this survey so far underlines the important role that libraries have in our communities and the wide range of services they offer to local people.

“Our libraries are not just book lending facilities – they are welcoming spaces for people of all ages to come together, learn and enjoy a variety of activities and events.

“However, if we want to keep our libraries relevant, vibrant and delivering for communities at a time of technological change and user expectation, they will need significant funding at a time of budget pressures.

“We know people may use libraries more at different points in the lives, for example new parents and students, so whether you currently use libraries or not, now is the time to have your say.

“Thanks to everyone who has taken part already and if you haven’t done so, please fill out the survey before November 1. Don’t miss the opportunity to feedback on how our libraries will operate in the future.”

Libraries were given a reprieve in this year’s budget following a huge outpouring of public support for the facilities in the budget consultation.

While the budget took a hit, no libraries were earmarked for closure and £100,000 was set aside to conduct a review of the library service going forward.

At that time, the then council leader Chris Kane thanked officers for “working closely and carefully” with the administration over a number of months on the issue.

And he asked for clarification from officers that £100,000 was the most that could be taken from the service budget without risking library closures in the coming year.

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People and community wellbeing officer Kate Hudson had said: “The maximum that can be removed from the libraries without changes to the operating model, and by that I mean where a library is located and how it is staffed, is £100,000.”

Councillor Kane has also previously said: “None of us want to see our libraries suffer ‘death by a thousand cuts’, which is why we’ll put £100,000 into a one year ‘library modernisation fund’ to help work with communities to design a library service that thrives in the modern world, not one which is held back by old buildings, some of which have been around for a century.”

To take part in the survey and for more information, visit the council’s Engage Stirling platform.

Further engagement is planned on the survey results, before the development of the draft strategy and action early next year.

Stirling Council manages 16 libraries and two mobile libraries. For more information on the services and activities provided by the libraries service, visit:

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