A hidden agenda disguised as action on abortion

Rye, N.Y.: Why is Gov. Hochul lying to New Yorkers? Proposal 1/Equal Rights Amendment does not codify abortion. It doesn’t mention abortion. She could have proposed a simple abortion amendment. Instead, this vaguely worded amendment, which isn’t even explained on the ballot, is an assault on women’s and parents’ rights.

Here’s what she doesn’t tell you. One: There is no danger of abortion rights being taken away. New York legalized abortion in 1970, three years before Roe v. Wade. Republicans controlled the state Senate for most of 60 years, with the governorship for 12 years. No one went after abortion. Rights were strengthened with the 2019 Reproductive Health Act. Two: “Sex” and “age” are included as new rights that open the path to men being allowed in women’s spaces and easing the way for existing Albany bills: K-12 comprehensive sex education, vaccines and medications given to minors at school and medical decisions made, all without parental consent. Three: “Country of origin” is a new right that could lead to voting and benefits for non-citizens. Four: Part B, not mentioned in ballot language, codifies reverse discrimination.

Our fates shouldn’t be left to judicial interpretation by courts — the ones too overwhelmed to adjudicate domestic violence cases or increasing crime.

If Hochul really wants to give “millions of women the dignity, autonomy and freedom they deserve,” she would care about domestic violence victims and thousands of women being trafficked across our state. Don’t buy the faux outrage. Vote no on Prop 1 to truly protect New Yorkers! Julie Powers Killian, 2018 Republican nominee for lieutenant governor 


Brooklyn: May I suggest a way to create jobs and care for our unfortunate poor people? Can the Administration for Children’s Services, and also our jail system, hire people with some education at minimum wage to sit one-on-one with families and with all prisoners to keep everybody safe? Genevieve Stuber

Divine diagnosis

Staten Island: Now that Harvey Weinstein was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer, it seems that G-d took justice in his/her own special way. Why are we spending taxpayer money on Weinstein’s prison medical care when he should just die a slow, painful death in his prison cell? Maybe now he understands karma! Myra Goodman

Safer and kinder

Manhattan: There is a problem with our food systems. The recent E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers has led to illness, hospitalizations and even death. The CDC, FDA and other health agencies are investigating fresh, slivered onions and quarter-pound beef patties as the suspected sources of contamination. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen outbreaks linked to meat-based products, and it underscores a larger issue with food safety in animal agriculture. There is a better way. By embracing a plant-based diet, we can avoid these risks and enjoy delicious foods that are not only safe but also optimal for human health, the planet and animals. Now is the time to explore plant-based alternatives and make compassionate choices for a better future. Nelson Yancy

Imagine that

Lakewood, N.J.: What would the GOP (Gaggle Of Putzes) and their Kool-Aid-drinking supporters say if Kamala Harris held a public rally and talked about the size of a man or woman’s private parts, as the dumbass did in Pennsylvania? What would they say if Harris was a proven sex offender? What would they do if she endorsed a violent insurrection at our nation’s Capitol and called it a “day of love”? I wonder what these hypocrites would call her if she had five children by three different husbands while still married. Or if she was a convicted felon. What would they say if she called COVID-19 a hoax and was responsible for millions of deaths? How would they react going to a town hall meeting and watching her dance for 40 minutes without fielding questions? It’s time for MAGA supporters to realize what (not who) they are voting for: a hypocrite and liar. Frank Mongiello

Unserious accusation

Manhattan: So, Ken Frydman (“Trump’s McDonald’s visit puts Harris in hot oil,” op-ed, Oct. 23) disses Kamala Harris for not being able to produce a pay stub from a one-off summer gig at Mickey D’s in 1983, when she was 18. More than 40 years ago. I’m sure lots of people will keep certificates of completion for college courses from that far back. Keeping pay stubs from such short-term employment? Not so much. For Frydman to assume Harris is lying because she can’t provide such proof shows colossal gall and a complete lack of functioning brain cells. H.D. Kayne

Tall order

Scarsdale, N.Y.: Kind of shocked that the Daily News printed an opinion by Ken Frydman, a supposed PR CEO. In it, he claims that Donald Trump sealed the election by working his stunt belly at a McDonald’s and was amazed that french fries out of a deep fryer were not served by hand. Seriously, Ken? Kamala Harris has said she actually worked at McDonald’s 41 years ago. This really “pissed” off sensitive Ken. The supposed CEO demands that she show a pay stub or a bank statement from 41 years ago, and until she produces “irrefutable evidence, I’ll assume she lied.” Well, Ken the CEO, maybe you can produce a bank statement or pay stub from 41 years ago, but most normal folks can’t. I worked in a bar 41 years ago and I don’t have anything. In fact, the bar isn’t even there anymore. Paul Christie


Bronx: Ken Frydman is so concerned that Kamala Harris hasn’t shown proof that she worked at McDonald’s. Really? Where’s the outrage for Trump not providing his tax returns? How long is too long? Julie Reitano

Further proof

Boynton Beach, Fla.: Ken Frydman’s suggestion that Kamala Harris backup her claim that she worked at McDonald’s as a teen is absurd. How many of us, including Frydman, have pay stubs or tax returns for jobs we held 40 or 50 years ago? Where does he stand on the former president failing to supply his tax returns for the past 10 years? How about Trump documenting detailed reports of his physical and mental condition? Andrew LeWinter

Father not son

Bronx: Ken Frydman’s op-ed discussing Donald Trump’s McDonald’s photo-op and Kamala Harris’ claim to have worked at McDonald’s mixes up his George Bush references. Michael Dukakis lost not to George Walker Bush but to George Herbert Walker Bush. John Kerry lost not to George Herbert Walker Bush but to George Walker Bush. Bruce D. Campbell


Riverhead, L.I.: To all the Voicers who think it’s so witty to refer to Trump as “Orange Man,” here’s an idea: Let’s refer to Harris as “Woman of Color.” After all, wasn’t that the only qualification she met to be veep? Martin Smith

Moving on

Hamilton Square, N.J.: Thanks to the Guardians for a well-fought pennant series. Now let’s go Yanks. Eileen T. Johnson

Smell’s source

Garwood, N.J.: The New Jersey EPA just announced it has discovered the source of the toxic odor surrounding the Meadowlands area. It’s the Jets and Giants. John E. Deichmeister

Cleaning up

Jackson Heights: I am proud to live in Jackson Heights, the most ethnically diverse community in the country. I can’t understand why some people are protesting against the removal of illegal brothels and illegal street vendors. Legitimate business owners work long and hard hours to make a living and face unfair competition from those who have no overhead, pay no license fees or taxes and are lowering the quality of life on our streets. Thanks to all who are involved in restoring Jackson Heights to the great neighborhood it once was. We appreciate your service. Glenn B. Jacobi

Slow going

Richmond Hill: Last Wednesday at noon, I had to hail a cab to get from Penn Station to W. 46th St. for lunch. This was the first time in a long time. I don’t want to say the streets were jam-packed, but I had to shave again after I got there. Whatever name is placed on the corrective measures, something must be done for all our sakes. Robert Clolery

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