On foreign policy, both candidates lack vision

Beechhurst: There are two conspicuous foreign policy issues that the presidential candidates have glossed over with distinct reality-avoidance platitudes.

When it comes to the fate of Ukraine, which has courageously resisted Russia’s scorched-earth war of aggression with military assistance from the Western powers, Donald Trump plausibly argues that Vladimir Putin would never have invaded Ukraine had he been reelected (after all, it was President Biden’s bug-out from Afghanistan, lifting of Trump’s sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and dumb remark about a “minor incursion” that wet Czar Putin’s appetite). But behind Trump’s boast that he could end that war on Day One is the clear implication that he will pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to accede some Ukrainian territory to get a peace deal. What’s particularly vexing, though, is 45’s jaundiced eye toward the NATO alliance, which reeks of a dangerous isolationism and is hardly Reaganesque.

When it comes to our beleaguered Mideast ally Israel, Kamala Harris has no harsh words about Iran’s puppet-master role in setting the region ablaze, only perfunctorily defends the Jewish state, and constantly calls for a ceasefire based on a pie-in-the-sky two-state solution. Moreover, it was this administration’s foolish appeasement of that No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism that opened the door to the dangerous crisis at hand. And let’s not forget how that pusillanimous policy also enabled Iran (and China) to help keep Russia’s war machine greased.

Too bad there wasn’t a presidential debate that focused exclusively on those two foreign policy flashpoints that have shoved us closer toward a World War III scenario. James Hyland

Devoid of ideas

Staten Island: To Voicer Herb Paserman: You have to be moronic to state that Kamala Harris can be one of our best presidents ever. She can’t speak a sentence without saying the word “Trump.” She doesn’t know what foreign policy is. She can’t solve the inflation or border crisis because she and Biden caused it. Face it, Herb: In a little over three months, you and I will be watching Trump take the oath of office again! Thomas Fraumeni Jr.

So very sick of him

East Meadow, L.I.: After doing work with the Trump Organization approximately 40 years ago, living in New York and getting to know the real Donald Trump, it is the first time I have to agree with him when he says it’s going to be the biggest and most important election ever and we need to save our country. That’s why we need to see him lose and never hear from him again. Jeff Tuck

Time to retire

Dartmouth, Mass.: Donald Trump’s performance in the last weeks of rallies, donor dinners and appearances demonstrates his diminished cognition and energy. For those MAGA supporters who tolerated or even enabled his vitriolic rantings and lies and swore unflagging loyalty may now have a way to claw out of the rabbit hole. Commencing with his utter defeat at the debate with Kamala Harris, with incoherent responses, inappropriate facial expressions, sapped energy and continuing to express outrageous accusations, he is providing his ardent supporters with the opportunity to finally and respectfully admit that he is no longer the Trump they adore and want as their president. Just as President Biden’s fervent supporters could publicly admit his diminished ability to govern, Trump’s MAGA millions can do so as well while still believing he had been a great president. Betty Ussach

Unfair influence

Greenburgh, N.Y.: The media should stop emphasizing how candidates are doing in polls. The only poll that should count is Election Day voting. Polling results probably influence how some voters will cast their ballots. Many voters want to be on the winning side or will support a candidate who seems to be generating momentum in the polls. If the media emphasized candidates’ positions on issues rather than on polling results, there could be a different outcome in some elections. Paul Feiner

Soviet prophecy

Ariel, Pa.: Some 65 years ago, Nikita Khrushchev stated, “We will take America without firing a shot… We will destroy you from within… We can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find they have communism.” In less than two weeks, we will find out if the socialist American politicians in Washington have achieved their goal to destroy this great nation or if the American people have awakened to stop it. Which will it be, patriot or comrade? Joseph Beyhl

Unsavory op-ed

Brooklyn: The op-ed from strategic communicator Ken Frydman (“Trump’s McDonald’s visit puts Harris in hot oil,” Oct. 23) is a disgrace. When you publish nonsense from Voicer Shlomo Klein, I just have to laugh. When you publish this garbage about Harris’ disclosure about her part-time McDonald’s employment that Trump mocks and calls a lie, you’ve gone too far. Frydman is a strategic communicator all right, including his reference to Trump’s demand to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate, but his strategy is hypocrisy. No mention of Trump refusing to disclose his taxes, his medical records, his transcripts of educational achievement, etc. If he thinks Trump making fries — a job he isn’t qualified to perform — is a good look for the president, he’s easily amused. Maybe Trump has shown that the only job he should aspire to is “You want fries with that?” Anne Slamka

Employer records

San Francisco: This whole question of whether Harris worked at McDonald’s or not is so ridiculous. Who cares? But you know who can clear it all up? McDonald’s. Surely, they must have a record of her employment. And if you think, “Well, that was a long time ago, before we had computers,” then why would anyone expect Harris to have a pay stub from back then? Anyway, who cares? Jimmy Layton

Compartmentalized carnage

Hallandale, Fla.: It’s obvious that too many of our citizens either ignore or remain apathetic to the genocide and starvation being committed in Gaza, along with our government’s complicity. Israel not only bans TV stations from the enclave but also targets and fires upon journalists to this very day. Doesn’t that tell you something about the sheer criminality and war crimes of Israel, while our government sends the bombs, munitions and money to continue its slaughter? Our general morality and behavior remains in the gutter, both sickening and depraved. And it doesn’t matter who wins the election. Sid Sussman

Matter of life and death

Broad Channel: According to recent polls, it seems that most Americans support abortion. Do they really know what abortion is? It is not the removal of a blob of cells or the products of conception that many are taught. It is the killing of the most innocent of humans, the unborn baby. Life begins at conception, a scientific fact. Yes, there are hard cases, and as a society we have to help these women with difficult pregnancies. We say we are a civilized nation. Are we? Since 1973, we have allowed the killing of more than 63 million unborn babies. How can anyone think it’s OK to kill a baby? Joan Kinneary


Brooklyn: Re “Long Is. therapist hit with baby-porn charges” (Oct. 25): Renee Hoberman is the most despicable human on this planet. Raping and torturing infants and children — this article actually made me cry. Monsters do exist. Eileen Hughes

Alternate mode

Manhattan: To Voicer Robert Clolery: I have a solution for you. Instead of taking taxis and Ubers to get to your destination, take the train. Donay Queenan

Can’t be guilty

Yonkers: To Voicer James Baldwin: Daniel Penny was attempting to protect people — his fellow riders. Unfortunately, it resulted in the death of a human being. I guarantee that a liberal leftist such as yourself would have done absolutely nothing but run off the train at the next stop, only to allow your fellow riders to fend for themselves. If I were to be voir dired for Penny’s trial, I’d play any game and say anything to be selected for the jury in order to cause a mistrial by hung jury in asserting “not guilty” to what I believe will be a liberal jury finding Penny guilty. Ralph A. Manente

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