Scottish Greens would “absolutely” be willing to bring down the SNP Government by voting against their Budget. Party co-leader Lorna Slater rejected claims her hardball position is motivated by getting back at the SNP for ditching them from Government.

SNP Finance Secretary Shona Robison needs the help of a party other than Alba to ensure her tax and spending plans in December are passed. The pro-independence Greens are a potential partner, but relations are strained after previous First Minister Humza Yousaf ejected them from the administration.

John Swinney now leads a minority Government and Holyrood watchers believe the Greens are his only real option for the Budget.

In an interview with the BBC, Slater criticised the Government for rowing back on previously agreed policies like free bus travel for asylum seekers and cash for nature restoration. She said: “The SNP need to know they cannot take Green votes for granted”.

She added: “We are fully prepared to vote against an unacceptable Budget, but as previously we go into it in good faith.”

Asked if the Greens are willing to bring down the Government she said, “Absolutely. It is so important that Scotland’s Budget reflects the urgency of the climate and nature emergencies.” Slater also said she wanted the continuation of universal free school meals.

Put to her she was “settling scores” over the ending of the Bute House Agreement, she said this was “absolutely not” the case. The Greens are also pushing for higher taxes on private jets, mansions and businesses that sell alcohol.

Although the failure to pass a Budget would not automatically lead to an early Holyrood election, the chances of such an outcome would be greatly enhanced.

Robison, who is leading talks with the opposition parties, said: “I am keen to build as broad a support for the Budget in the Scottish Parliament as I can. We are talking to the other parties in good faith, including the Scottish Greens.

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