Several of the district’s priorities focus on what leaders are calling “fair funding.”

AUSTIN, Texas — Austin ISD leaders have shared their priorities for lawmakers during the upcoming legislative session.

Several of the district’s priorities focus on funding, including increasing the state’s basic allotment, which pays districts based on enrollment; reforming recapture, which takes money from wealthier districts and gives it to poorer districts across the state; and making sure there is accountability in public funding.

Austin ISD’s priorities specifically ask lawmakers to oppose school vouchers – something Gov. Greg Abbott has made a priorities for lawmakers to pass.

The district is also asking lawmakers to increase funding for the school safety initiative passed last session. The law requires an armed guard on every campus, but many districts have been unable to comply due to budget shortfalls.

The district would also like lawmakers to “establish a comprehensive accountability system” that looks behind standardized testing, increase funding for counseling and “oppose legislation that undermines the professionalism of teachers,” among other things.

The next legislative session will begin on Jan. 14.

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