Anne Hegerty, famed as The Governess on ITV’s quiz show ‘The Chase’, has teased fans with the possibility of starring in a sitcom. On the ‘A Very Tall Man’ podcast, she disclosed that a fellow ‘The Chase’ colleague has penned a sitcom role specifically for her, and she’s eager to see it come to fruition.

“I’d love to be on a TV show or a film. I know various people who are trying to get things off the ground,” Anne shared. “One of them is the guy on The Chase, he’s written a sitcom with a part for me.”

The quiz master expressed her excitement about the prospect: “It would be brilliant to get that made.”

The 66-year-old also humorously mentioned her ambition to play a “fat old supervillain” in a Marvel movie. However, despite her enthusiasm for acting, Anne has decided against joining any more reality TV shows, reports the Express.

Reflecting on her stint in ‘I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!’ in 2018, she believes no other show could match that peak. As reported by the Daily Star newspaper’s HotTV column, Anne remarked: “The jungle is about as big as you can get. Everything else is a bit of a step down. I don’t want to do another reality show unless it involves something I want to get better at. I think I’m done.”

Anne Hegerty
Anne Hegerty (Image: (Image: Getty))

Anne is one of the beloved quizzers on ‘The Chase’, alongside Jenny Ryan, Paul Sinha, Darragh Ennis, Mark Labbett, and Shaun Wallace.

Discussing her various commitments beyond the popular quiz show, she mentioned her regular role in pantomime and presenting duties on ‘Britain’s Brightest Family’ for ITV. She expressed that the phenomenal success of ‘The Chase’ since its launch in 2009 could largely be credited to Bradley Walsh’s charisma and humour.

Speaking to Best magazine, she said: “Great formats and a brilliant host! ” She added, “You can tune into ‘The Chase’ at any point during the hour, catch up with it very quickly and be absorbed by it. ” Her admiration for Walsh was clear as she continued, “But our secret weapon is Bradley Walsh – everybody loves Bradley.”

She highlighted her fondness for the host’s natural flair, saying, “He was made to do these programmes – they just suit him down to the ground. ” She enjoys the on-screen interaction, stating, “I love being able to throw out a bizarre fact and he will run with it and make a joke out of it.”

Her respect was clear as she finished, “I love the way he latches on to the things I say.”

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