(CNN) – Some squirrels in California have an extensive palate.
The furry creatures are traditionally known for feasting on nuts, berries and the like, but scientists recently noticed one type of squirrel eating meat.
According to a study published in the “Journal of Ethology,” California ground squirrels have been hunting, killing and eating voles.
Researchers say the northern part of the state is in the midst of a vole infestation and squirrels have been helping reduce the population.
According to Sonja Wild, California voles undergo population cycles that peak every three to five years.
“2024 was an unusual year in that regard since the numbers of California voles peaked at around seven times at the ten-year average,” Wild explained. “So it is the overabundance of voles likely provided relatively easily accessible prey for the squirrels and is probably the reason for the emergence of this predatory behavior.”
The findings are based on dozens of squirrels who were captured, tagged and released in June and July.
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