After the stresses of Christmas, it’s time to unwind and prepare for the New Year. A holistic doctor has revealed a simple addition to your bath that can enhance relaxation and even improve sleep.

Holistic doctor Dana McGrady claimed on TikTok that a magnesium bath is the “ultimate relaxation,” explaining that adding Epsom Salt to your bath could help to replenish your magnesium levels. She further explained that this promotes better sleep – which is what many of us need, especially when we’ve been overdoing it on the partying side of things.

She said that it helps your body to “replenish” the natural magnesium levels, so it makes you feel less stressed. “Not only is it good for the immune system, it’s good for the brain, it’s good for better sleep. All of the above. So, have your magnesium Epsom salt bath today and feel better right away,” Dana shared.

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Healthline has highlighted the multifaceted benefits of magnesium, stating: “Magnesium can help improve your mood, sleep, exercise performance, blood sugar regulation, and more. You can get it from supplements and in certain foods like nuts and leafy greens.”

They also noted that magnesium is a go-to for better slumber, explaining: “Magnesium supplements are often used as a natural remedy for sleep issues such as insomnia. This is because magnesium regulates several neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

It added: “One review of older adults with insomnia found that magnesium supplements lowered the amount of time it took people to fall asleep by an average of 17 minutes.”

They continued: “Another study in nearly 4,000 adults linked increased intake of this mineral to improved sleep quality and duration.”

It is best to get magnesium through your diet. However, according to Medical News Today, magnesium baths may be beneficial too. “Some research suggests that bathing in an Epsom salt bath can increase magnesium and sulphate levels in the body,” it states. “A 2016 study found that it was possible for topical magnesium to penetrate the outer layer of the skin.”

However, what aids helps individual may not assist another. For instance, those with heart conditions should avoid Epsom salts.

Always speak to your doctor if you are struggling to sleep.

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