Hangovers are as synonymous with the festive season as bubbly and mulled wine, yet a bit of forward planning could spell the end for those dreaded morning-after woes. Nutri Advanced experts have singled out a vitamin that might just be the ticket to bouncing back after a night out.

They offer Milk Thistle in bottles of 60 capsules, priced at £14.95, which works out at about 25p per pill. This herb isn’t new to the scene – it’s been recognised for years for its array of benefits, including hormone balancing, acne treatment, and even enhancing cancer treatments and breast milk production.

And health gurus are touting this plant as the “perfect hangover cure” if taken regularly before indulging in alcohol. Milk thistle is primarily sought after for three reasons.

It aids digestion, treats stomach issues, and supports liver function. These key advantages are believed to alleviate hangover symptoms, and the herb’s rich silymarin and silybin content is thought to shield the liver from the toxins associated with heavy drinking.

However, it’s important to note that the scientific community is split on the effectiveness of milk thistle as a hangover remedy, and its reputation as a “cure” remains contentious. Kiran Jones, a pharmacist at Oxford Online Pharmacy, recommends another supplement, vitamin B, alongside certain snacks, as a potential alternative, reports Surrey Live.

Kiran suggests a dose of Vitamin B with a sidekick of magnesium after a few drinks but before hitting the hay. It’s a dynamic duo that recharges your energy and gives your brain a boost by replenishing what alcohol pilfers away.

Magnesium could lead to better sleep and hold headaches at bay. But why stop at supplements?

Kiran suggests food could help. Think protein-packed grilled chicken wings, coupling up with a bit of coconut water. It serves up stable blood sugar levels and floods you with recovery-critical electrolytes including sodium, potassium, and more magnesium.

Despite the promises of folk wisdom, all the boffins concur on giving the “hair of the dog” a hard pass. The morning-after tipple might sound like a panacea, but it’s merely a temporary lift to your spirits before likely sinking your hangover deeper into the doldrums.

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