After the holiday season, with payday seemingly a distant prospect, you’re probably aiming to minimise spending on personal luxuries. However, in the realm of beauty products, a lower price doesn’t always equate to inferior quality.

One woman has shared her discovery of a high-end alternative from Primark costing merely £6, claiming it “sinks in better” than its pricier equivalent. The bargain enthusiast, known as @beautyglowgirl on social media, posted a video saying: “I went to Primark last week as I’ve been desperate to try the new hydration cream after loads of people speculated it might be an affordable alternative for the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream! You know I love me some good cheap skincare, so let’s compare..”

For those who haven’t purchased the Charlotte Tilbury cream before, it doesn’t come cheap and will set you back an eye-watering £79 for 50ml. If you’ve managed to get your hands on a smaller size in a gift set, for example, and it really worked for you, then it may seem like a small price to pay for a boosted skin barrier and plumper skin. But if you’re buying it based on other people’s opinions and it doesn’t work for you, it can be a kick in the teeth.

Instead, Primark’s PS Pro Hydration Cream with SPF 15, costs just £6, and the influencer tested them both on her skin to see which one she preferred. Her first impression about the Primark cream was that it felt “thick” and “takes a little while to sink in”.

Comparing it to the Magic Cream, she said it was “similar in thickness,” and that “the original is easier to rub in,” but she wanted to test them both on her face when she’d just got out of the shower.

She tried the original on one side, saying that she’d forgotten how much of a “strong fragrance” it had. She said it was “lovely on the skin”. Then, she tried the Primark version, saying it didn’t feel “as thick” and there’s “no fragrance,” and it’s “ultra-hydrating”.

“These are quite different,” she said, wondering whether the Primark version may be more similar to the Charlotte Tilbury Water Cream rather than the Magic Cream.

Her final verdict was that the “original leaves a bit of a film on the skin, whereas Primark seems to sink in better,” but she said they were “both lovely under make-up”. She said she liked the Primark version “a lot,” but concluded that they were “definitely not the same”.

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