Plans for new housing on greenbelt land in Dennyloanhead have been recommended for refusal by Falkirk Council’ s planning officers as councillors prepare to make a final decision.
Barleystone Development’s proposals to build 21 new homes on scrub land to the east of 20 Bankview Terrace, Denny Road, will go to Falkirk Council’s planning committee next week.
The developers say the new development will be a mixture of one and two-bedroom bungalows which they expect to be very popular with older people in particular.
Read more: Black Loch holiday cabins and restaurant set for green light by Falkirk Council
Hundreds of new homes have been built in the Denny and Dennyloanhead area over the past few years, as Falkirk Council considers it a ‘strategic growth area’.
But the report to members by planning officers says that the land is a key part of the area’s green belt that should be protected from ‘piecemeal development’.
Falkirk district’s central location is attractive to housebuilders and the Dennyloanhead site is one of four being considered at the meeting.
Officers argue that an update to the local development plan is currently being prepared – which looks in-depth at where housing would be suitable – so it would be premature to approve sites that are not currently included.
Their report to councillors argues that this would create a precedent for ‘sporadic and piecemeal development development’ that would undermine the green belt and countryside.
The report also highlights the pressures on Denny High School and says that if permission is granted, education services will seek a contribution of £32,944.67 towards a school extension.
The developer would also be expected to contribute around £32,000 towards the cost of the recently opened Denny Eastern Access Road.
The final decision, however, lies with the members of Falkirk Council’s planning committee which meets on January 15 at 10 am in Grangemouth Community Education Unit, Abbots Road, Grangemouth. The meeting will also be livestreamed on Falkirk Council’s YouTube channel.
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