The Wullie Smith Trophy, sponsored by local agricultural contractors Dougie Brown, Graham Rae and Drew Watson took place over the last fortnight at Lockerbie Ice Rink.

The final was played between the rinks skipped by Duncan Gracie and Gareth Owen. The Gracie rink led by four shots after three ends and held onto that lead, eventually winning 7-2, however, the game was closer than the scoreline indicates.

The winning rink was Duncan Gracie (skip), David Morton, Fraser Kingan, Cameron McNay and David McMiken (fifth man) with the runners up being Gareth and David Owen, Maggie Wilson and Stuart Grieve.

Dave Stewart on behalf of the ice rink management welcomed everyone to the final and thanked the sponsors for their continued sponsorship of this competition. He then called Anne Smith to present the prizes to the winners and runners up and to present the trophy to the winners.

The customary vote of thanks was then given by Duncan Gracie to the sponsors and all who helped organise the competition and provided facilities for the games to be played.

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