Residents are being urged to have their say on long-term plans for the future management of woodlands at East Loch Lomond and Garadhban.

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) is inviting residents to offer feedback on the plans.

People living in Balmaha, Milton of Buchanan, Rowardennan, Drymen and Gartocharn are being invited to take part in the consultation, consider the two plans online and to come along to two drop-in sessions to find out more and to give feedback.

The drop-ins will be held at Drymen Village Hall between 3pm and 7pm on Tuesday, February 4; and at Balmaha Visitor Centre from 12pm until 3pm on Saturday, February 8.

Joseph Brennan, Planning Forester for FLS, said: “There are separate plans for the two areas and we are consulting on them at the same time. As is usual for all of our land management plans, we’re consulting on the proposals before we finalise them.

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“Forestry management is a long-term activity so part of this review of our plans is about the future management of the trees with selective thinning to maintain the long-term health and longevity of the woodlands.

“We’d welcome anyone with an interest to take part between now and 23 February. The drop-in sessions are a great opportunity to view our proposals, discuss them with staff and have your questions answered.”

Anyone who is unable to attend either of the events can still consult the East Loch Lomond or Garadhban plans online and use the feedback form provided.

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